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Does anyone have the vids of Kiki from the German threads on /b/?
85 posts and 77 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Gingerz aka Alysha C
She used to post on /b/ and cam on livestream.
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>20649 Well, C was her mother's name and T was her father's name, FWIW.
>>20654Thanks for clarifying.Camwhores are full of shady tricks.
Could someone re-up?
Bump for reup
Does anyone have a complete archive of the adorable Velma's stuff from 4chan's /soc/ forum or provide me with reliable information on why exactly she suddenly disappeared? I really liked her. :(
40 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>18260 can you update the link please? It says not found
Where is she? Someone doxx her please
bumping lol
>>28167fuck off so much
misssummerbella nudes
8 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Please tell me you have more of her
Not sure the exact place to ask but I have a great need. I stumbled on an old soc thread with dead links for a mega of stuff from meep. Does anyone have an archive of it? the one in the torrent is a different meep aparently
>>29860She has such an incredible anus
I know im missing out big time im hoping someone has link to an archive or something
Throwing some from the misterious collection 'realgirls2018'. This one named 'BLONDE 2, USA'. I heard there is aprox 100gb collection of pic and video amateur girls around the world doing pose EXACTLY like this. My thought they got scammed from modeling agency or there was very very rich guy who pay them to do this
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More pee, her asshole is pulsating
>>29826these are just random gifs. that's a pornstar known as "Ana Rose"
>>29829and that's gingerknickers from reddit/OF
Who are these girls?
>>29834Complete randoms. That's Achelois from Reddit for example
Kim Maria schwarz
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Does anyone have the download, or video link to this video?
>pic very related >its jabchan
20 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Found her video, I have the link.
>>20659 mental illness will do that. you can thank (((them))) for it.
>>29007Would you mind sharing the link?Is it the short one, or the longer one with the fap as in >>1655 preview?
This is a bit older but does anyone have a full set of the nudes Andrea Coates would post on her blogspot and Tumblr? I have twenty or so (mostly from the attached series) but she used to post a lot more. Tried Wayback Machine and the two best pages aren't archived.
Does anyone have anything of Fujifabric. Also went by Fuji and Schizzy about 10 years back? She was fairly popular on places like cam4 and yahoo live, and I know she did plenty of nude shows, but for some reason it's notoriously difficult to find them
bumping for interest
After many years, I'm finally posting the collection of thebug from 99chan.
217 posts and 217 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>17108 this one is not like the others
95 posts and 71 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anyone has her nudes?
Someone please!
Can anyone post the entire MEGA? I will fucking nut myself if you do, been searching for years
Someone share the original with nudes!
Fucking Hard drive crashed, and lost everything.
Trying to build up my collection again, of hot CWs.
She used to go by the name Chaamp Chan on /b/.
7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
anyone have anything on her at all?
Bump in the night
Did she have any other names?
>>29611Only ones I knew of were chaamp Chan, chaamp, chaampagne.
does any one know who she is and have the file
49 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
To the person above me, judging from the date of your post i believe your name is Harry. And from what I understand from her is that you broke up because she realised you were a compulsive lier and she couldn’t trust anything you’d ever said.
Alot of you front up like Kath is completly crazy, instead of admitting your faults.Its the classic “she’s crazy” actually meaning you didn’t know how to support her or care for her. She was always quite upfront with me about her issues and says she was with most people.
And to be honest from what I’ve heard about most of you exs you seem to all have mental heath issues which are unadressed or refuse to get constructive help such as Harry the compulsive lier who openly admitted that he would “exaggerate the truth alot”
So in conclusion anything that people say here, take with a pinch of salt. Most are xs that shes broken up with because she realised they were unable to help themseves and there mental health issues so a stable relationship was not possible and consequently upon realising that she broke up with them. When you bear that in mind then the stuff that these bitter people are saying has a lot more perspective and you start to see how vengful, pathetic and bitter all these xs are.
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lmao she was sued for defamation lying about her ex. confirmed but the info from the court document matches up to his statement about it proof chansluts are crazy
Does anyone still have the raw upload of the Miku strip video? There's a zillion potato quality uploads on the various -tube sites but there in potato quality and have no audio.
>all of my ex-boyfriends had mental issues>all of them>it's definitely not me, it's every single one of my ex-boyfriends
certifiedidiot (Emily R)
56 posts and 56 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Where did she post these?
10 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
tis girl is really hot
lets do this baby
Need help finding DYE pics, seems like this is the only one that exists in the entire internet or some shit