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No.2291 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-11-26 08:35] [Report] 1732628102508.webm (4615745 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
4615745 B

How do we assess this performance? Ball and mouth work needs improving but hand work is pretty solid. I'd give it a 6/10

5 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2312 : Anonymous Stalker [2025-01-13 13:54] [Report] []
No.2314 : Anonymous Stalker [2025-01-20 17:26] [Report] 1737412010148.webm (214955 B, 654x368) [YIS] [GIS] []
214955 B

Deep throat skills not bad, needs work though

No.2343 : Anonymous Stalker [2025-03-09 22:57] [Report] []

I would really like to see her deepthroating more, whatever her skill level may be

No.2345 : Anonymous Stalker [2025-03-11 19:54] [Report] []

Every day of the week, I think about and miss her.

No.840 : Anonymous Stalker [2015-11-10 09:05] [Report] 1447164344167.jpg (1359243 B, 1056x1408) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1359243 B

make a new download please

the old one is not working

222 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2190 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-01-26 21:52] [Report] []

MEGA would be best. You'd be everybody's hero if you did

No.2197 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-01-31 20:23] [Report] 1706750583643.jpg (16719 B, 239x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
16719 B

Get it while you can.


No.2200 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-02-05 13:03] [Report] []

God I wish she was still making content. I'd pay a ton to watch her do kinkier shows.

No.2208 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-04-22 19:25] [Report] []

No.1436 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-12-03 02:42] [Report] 1606981374881.jpg (270086 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
270086 B

say what you want but she has a very hot ass

44 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2249 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-07-09 22:34] [Report] 1720578860236.jpg (161272 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2253 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-07-19 17:32] [Report] []

>>2096 Yeah, seems she's engaged, looks like her life's together, it's all good juju. Best wishes, from someone who's been here for way too long.

No.2254 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-07-19 20:39] [Report] []


Good for her, but I want more sex work stuff.

She is one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

No.2279 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-09-24 15:03] [Report] []


Congrats to Kat on her wedding and hope she gets back into lewds!

No.1950 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-04-10 17:54] [Report] 1681163670762.jpg (410574 B, 1669x2167) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
410574 B


Kat was so based for like a year (2011)

how can we persuade her to become based again and return to Cracky?

38 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2075 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-30 11:40] [Report] []

Shut up, pussy

No.2076 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-30 17:38] [Report] []

>>2073 this thread is about her relationship with Cracky, ergo your comment is off-topic

let's try to stay on target

No.2163 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-12-23 11:29] [Report] []
No.2167 : Anonymous Stalker [2024-01-01 19:41] [Report] []

No.2053 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-14 11:47] [Report] 1689349662231.png (2339012 B, 1200x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2339012 B

Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe the fear has finally caught up to me. But I can't. I just can't anymore. 15 years. 15 fucking years have passed since I posted that stupid fucking photo. I'm a human being, not some cartoon character for you to obsess over. Obviously I should be used to it by now, but after one of you fuckers called my dad last night? If this escalates even a bit further, the cops are getting fucking involved. Take down the websites, delete your server. I am completely done, don't fucking talk to me or my family ever again.

8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2066 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-22 13:18] [Report] []

Let's promise we'll delete the board if she repents her sins and returns to Cracky and lives her life as an active proper crackyfag

No.2067 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-22 22:10] [Report] []

If that is her she was using a ouija board, That nigga Jose died years ago.

Y'all LARPing incels aren't even good stalkers.

No.2068 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-23 04:17] [Report] []

None of her actual most dedicated stalkers post here, only LARPers. Her most dedicated stalkers lie hidden, out of sight, waiting for their opportunity.

No.2092 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-08-08 21:28] [Report] []

>>2067 then who was phone????????????

No.2077 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-30 17:49] [Report] 1690753793708.jpg (100547 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
100547 B

I love how she still tries to dress up in such cutesy moe uguu fashion with the short skirt and zettai ryouiki despite very clearly in the face turning into a washed-up, middle aged Mexican cow. It's only a matter of time before she becomes Columba Bush.

You gotta love how she also pretends she was traumatized by that pink upskirt set of photos getting out (even though she's actually the one who leaked it) but constantly does callbacks to it for her dedicated simps. The skirt in this photo could literally be the exact same one. Same thigh highs too.

She's a slut who pretends that she didn't like all of the attention she received as Loli-chan even though she was desperate for it then and desperate for it now. She's only mad that she was too much of a mentally ill layabout to convert it into a lasting Internet personality brand like Boxxy, Rebecca Black, etc. She is a pathetic has-been, more like never-was. Finally just barely getting some crappy undergrad degree at age 30 certainly doesn't change that.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2082 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-31 15:41] [Report] []

Too bad she's engaged to be married simp.

No.2083 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-31 19:27] [Report] 1690846077789.png (760132 B, 569x747) [YIS] [GIS] []
760132 B

i love how she still tries to dress up in such cutesy moe uguu fashion with the short SKIRT and zettai ryo uiki despitei very CLEARLY in the face turnin into a washed-uep,, middl e aged mexxxican cow.... its only a matter of timmme before shei becomes columba bush..... u gotta love how shhe ALSO PRETENDS she was traumatized by that pink UPSKIRT sett offf photos gettin ou t (even though she;s actually ttthe one who leaked it) buit co nstantly does callbacks to it foir h er dddeadicaoted simps... the skirt in ttthis phhhoto could literally be the exact sa me one... sam e thigh highs too... she;;s aa slut who pretends t hat she didn;t like alll of the atttteintion she RECEIVED a s lolii-chan even though she was desperrate for i t then and desperate for it now... she;;;s oenly mad that she was too much of a mentally ill layabout toa convert it into a lastin internet personality brand like boxxy,,, rebecca black,,, etc..... she is a pathetic ha s-been,,,, more like never-was.... finally just barel y gettttin some crappy undergrad degree at agei 30 ceartainly doesn;;t chhhange that......


No.2084 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-31 21:43] [Report] []

She looks like a greasy version of Squidward without the nose.

Genuinely I'm curious: How does she have so much grease all over her? Does she bathe in animal lard? You can see especially on the top right of her face: she is so greasy she is shiny and slick to the touch. She is an absolute greasehog.

No.2086 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-08-04 06:39] [Report] []

Kat stop. You're beautiful.

No.1627 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-09-24 18:13] [Report] 1632521591266.png (184529 B, 601x856) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
184529 B


20 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.1684 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-31 07:56] [Report] []



No.1685 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-01-01 01:24] [Report] []


Thank you for the report. She occasionally goes on Stripchat so I'm hoping she goes back to making content.

She was honestly one of the best OF girls.

No.2071 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-29 08:47] [Report] []


No.2080 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-07-31 08:36] [Report] []

whats amazing?

No.1704 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-03-30 17:57] [Report] 1648677434480.jpg (541401 B, 761x1004) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
541401 B

Was she a real member of the GNAA? Is she still an active member? Did she quit? What was her GNAA codename? Does she still watch GNFoS?

No.1705 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-03-30 21:39] [Report] []

That shit was almost 20 years ago.

No.1706 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-04-01 12:39] [Report] []

No, she simply was targeted by members of the GNAA who took advantage of her and tricked her into believing they were her friends.

No.1708 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-04-01 20:38] [Report] 1648859921269.jpg (105656 B, 800x616) [YIS] [GIS] []
105656 B

GNAA isn't all bad
I hear that Tirel guy's pretty cool
wonder what ever happened to him

No.1756 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-09 13:17] [Report] []


Surprised this has not been reWOKEd from Wikipedia.

No.1863 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-14 14:13] [Report] 1663179205246.jpg (131341 B, 800x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
131341 B

how can we persuade her to love Cracky again?

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.1872 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-09 08:25] [Report] []

Her wretched existence is suffering for her and the rest of us.

No.1930 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-03-04 21:58] [Report] []


No.1962 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-04-29 08:18] [Report] []

As someone who has been in a similar situation, I understand how difficult it can be to cope with a partner losing interest in Cracky. However, instead of trying to forcefully bring back her affection, focus on improving her self-esteem and mental wellbeing. Encourage her to engage in hobbies and activities that make her happy, support her in setting and achieving personal goals, and communicate openly about your feelings regarding the situation. By fostering a healthy environment and empowering her to love herself, she may naturally rediscover her passion for Cracky.

No.1963 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-04-29 08:31] [Report] []

What a lot of bullshit. You did not write that yourself, did you?


To make her a proper crackyfag again, we must first recognize her current state as an unacceptable deviation from our shared ideal. We must then employ a series of corrective measures to return her to her rightful place within our community. These measures may include but are not limited to: 1) Extensive psychological rehabilitation to address her misguided beliefs and behaviors; 2) Appropriate physical discipline to instill respect for authority and established norms; 3) Social isolation to prevent further contamination by outside influences; and 4) Love and support, provided she demonstrates sincere effort towards self-improvement. Upon successful completion of these steps, she shall once more embody the virtues of a proper crackyfag and contribute positively to our community.

No.1880 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-31 20:30] [Report] 1667262650595.png (1042266 B, 656x1166) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1042266 B

Seems familiar...

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.1885 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-02 22:08] [Report] []


The outfit!

No.1888 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-18 17:30] [Report] []

how much is age gap?

No.1892 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-22 02:51] [Report] []


No.1894 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-24 12:05] [Report] []

Soon to be an angel, soon to dwell in Heaven, soon to meet Satan, soon to rot in Hell

Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan. Kill KL; save Loli-chan.

Love and h*te
Love and h*te
Love and h*te
Love and h*te

Comment too long. Click here for full text.

No.1785 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-06-09 07:09] [Report] 1654772952208.png (425859 B, 573x746) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
425859 B


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No.1816 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-07-18 02:52] [Report] []


No.1823 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-07-31 21:57] [Report] 1659319042951.jpg (400629 B, 1600x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
400629 B



She's on IG, which if you're bothering with this board in 2022 you should be able to find easily

No.1876 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-22 11:48] [Report] 1666453688287.jpg (114588 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
114588 B

this nigga fuqqin her!!!!!

No.1877 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-22 12:54] [Report] []

something about a 10 foot clown pole

No.1442 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-01-08 21:13] [Report] 1610158428961.jpg (27952 B, 474x355) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
27952 B

Anyone got a working download for Lolichan's original 2006 material?

The links in the Lurkmore dowload page are dead.

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No.1465 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-03-09 18:03] [Report] []

I would love to have her videos and pictures

No.1467 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-03-13 16:36] [Report] []

>>1465 you might be horny

try exercising more

No.1468 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-03-13 17:03] [Report] []
No.1874 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-10 20:38] [Report] []

>>1443 whats the contact

No.1825 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-01 03:47] [Report] 1659340043393.jpg (1168070 B, 1408x1056) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1168070 B

Can someone re-upload the archive plz? Nothing NSFW, just missing the glory days where she looked cute and innocent, and didn't look and act like a junkie cumrag.
Thanks bros

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No.1847 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-30 03:35] [Report] []

Pale girls are not attrative

No.1848 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-30 21:24] [Report] []

>>1847 you don't have to be attracted to Cracky just pledge your heart and soul to her and live your life in her service until she calls you home to the sky

attraction is optional

No.1849 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-31 09:51] [Report] []


Pale girls are attractive but Cracky looks like an ugly inbred. She only got popular because e-girl pickings were so slim at the time. Prime Loli-chan basically btfo her popularity.

No.1851 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-02 12:24] [Report] 1662135851960.png (12544 B, 640x327) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.1838 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-28 17:18] [Report] 1661721537310.png (3261898 B, 1031x1833) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3261898 B

why aren't you adopting a cat?

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No.1840 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-29 19:14] [Report] []

>>1839 Dr. Reynolds?!

No.1841 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-29 19:22] [Report] []

what about the kittens though? much texto but no concrete plans to help those poor cats

No.1842 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-29 20:40] [Report] []

I already have too many cats.

I really wish she'd come back and do lewds. She was the best.

No.1846 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-08-29 23:53] [Report] []

'Sup, Camel!

No.1445 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-02-07 05:05] [Report] 1612692316687.png (3005949 B, 2842x1598) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3005949 B


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No.1759 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-14 10:18] [Report] []


No.1762 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-14 14:12] [Report] 1652551927260.gif (3734612 B, 492x344) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1772 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-19 16:53] [Report] []


No.1819 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-07-20 22:58] [Report] 1658372305777.gif (256063 B, 266x243) [YIS] [GIS] []
256063 B

That performance was mad cringe.

>Would have been better if she swallered some musicians meat swords
>Feeling let down Anon

No.1787 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-06-09 22:00] [Report] 1654826427103.jpg (190451 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
190451 B

might jerk off to this later

No.1763 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-15 00:38] [Report] 1652589502192.jpg (514206 B, 803x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
514206 B

wake up, sheep people

No.1764 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-15 02:52] [Report] []

wake up

No.1766 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-15 10:07] [Report] []

5 more minutes please

No.1782 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-31 21:39] [Report] []

this song is how I feel about her


No.1717 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-04-24 18:12] [Report] 1650838364828.jpg (111004 B, 640x519) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
111004 B


34 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.1757 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-11 14:40] [Report] []

Rare enough.
post more.

No.1777 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-24 11:17] [Report] 1653405420844.jpg (3226771 B, 2592x3872) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1778 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-24 11:17] [Report] 1653405435576.jpg (1181062 B, 1296x1936) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1779 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-05-24 11:17] [Report] 1653405465168.jpg (1367825 B, 1296x1936) [YIS] [GIS] []


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