chansluts is a collection of imageboards where camgirls, camboys, and lurkers can upload and share links, images, and videos (in WEBM).
Everyone is free to choose to post anonymously, or with a desired username (in the name field), and share their comments and files, and discuss the media. No registrations required—not even an email address.
Camwhores/Female General Temple of the Sky Queen General/BBW General/Girls General/Ísland, Iceland General/Requests Wink
chansluts v2 Britain chansluts v1 male general Pink Seventhree textchan tranchan Winter
Archive/Boys Archive/Girls General/Downloads nd's tinypic emporium General/Random InsertPenisForms HeadlessBruise-chan Kandie PooruVonEvil Planet Pluto Rina Togepi Camwhores/Male General reddit /r/gonewild Camwhores/Safe For Work sister chan Tumblr
Nameless Cross-dressing Traps Transsexual and Transgender Camwhores/General Animated GIF Self/Tips
Camwhores/Male General Camwhores/Ugly General/Dongs General/Fetish Random Faggotry Alice 'Pooper' Cooper
Cross-dressing, trapping, etc Copypasta Technology
:3 Anime Animals Dolls Drawings & Photography Fashion Food & Health Infographics / Information Random Technology Userbars Suggestions