chansluts bringing the camwhores of the world together

About chansluts

chansluts is a collection of imageboards where camgirls, camboys, and lurkers can upload and share links, images, and videos (in WEBM).

Everyone is free to choose to post anonymously, or with a desired username (in the name field), and share their comments and files, and discuss the media. No registrations required—not even an email address.

1. Jurisdiction.

PLEASE NOTE: By virtue of their locale the producers of the adult entertainment contained in this website do not fall under the jurisdiction of American law. The producers of this website have taken it upon themselves to voluntarily comply with United States law concerning 18 United States Code Section 2257 and 28 Consolidated Federal Regulations Part 75 in order to assure those that are bound by these United States laws and regulations that all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual conduct or otherwise, are visual depictions of persons who were at least 18 years of age when those visual depictions were created.

It is important to note that this 18 USC § 2257 compliance notice is included in good faith only and for reference purposes.


2. User Generated Content.

Exemption Statement Content Produced by Third Parties: The operators of this website are not the producers of any depictions of actual or simulated sexually explicit conduct submitted by its third party users / members. Instead, the activities of the operators of this website, with respect to such content, are limited to the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting and/or formatting of depictions posted directly to the website by third party users, on areas of the website under the user's control. Pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. § 2257(h)(2)(B)(v) and 47 U.S.C. § 230(c), the operators of this website reserve the right to delete content posted by users which operators deem to be indecent, obscene, defamatory or inconsistent with their policies and terms of service. is a picture and video sharing network which allows for the uploading, sharing and general viewing of various types of adult content and while chansluts does the best it can with verifying compliance, it may not be 100% accurate.

Website Compliance and Proof-of-Age Information - 18 USC § 2257 Statement: This website is not a producer (primary or secondary) of any and all of the content found on this website. This website is an adult community social networking site which allows for the uploading, sharing and general viewing of various types of adult content.

When uploading, users must assure he/she is 18 years of age or older; certify that he/she keeps records of the models in the content (including themselves); that all models are over 18 years of age or older; that they are either the primary producers of the content being uploaded and the content is owned by the them, or they are legally licensed to upload, publish, and/or share the content at hand. Content may remain on this website following any termination of user's membership either by user or website and in those cases the user remains responsible for all recordkeeping.

This website reserves the right to flag content as inappropriate, harassing, harmful, offensive, illegal, and unlawful and may remove it at its own digression from the site without delay or notice to the member who uploaded the content. Users who encounter content they believe should not be on this website are urged to report inappropriate content to the administrator or moderators using the contact information found throughout the pages of this website. is not a content producer company, primary or secondary, of any and all of the content found on their network of websites listed below:
male general

3. Responsibility. is a supplier of content, not a producer. Its only obligation is to cooperate to immediately withdraw the content once the infraction of the site's rules are identified.

4. Procedures to Ensure Compliance.

The Website permits the submission of User Submissions and the hosting, sharing, and/or publishing of such User Submissions.

a) Requiring all users to be over 18 years old to upload videos or pictures. b) When uploading, user must verify the content; assure he/she is over 18 years of age; certify that he/she keeps records of the models in the content and that they are over 18 years of age. Also, user must verify his/her consent to publish the submitted content. c) allows content to be flagged as inappropriate. Should any content be flagged as illegal, unlawful, harassing, harmful, offensive or various other reasons, shall remove it from the site without delay.

5. Prohibited Content

Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to: 1) Child pornography, any media containing a nude minor. 2) Forced sexual activity of any kind, non-consensual sexual activity of any kind; consent cannot be given if someone is intoxicated, sleeping, hypnotized, etc. 3) Bestiality, this includes depicting sex with animals, and has been extended by the associations to include non-humans. 4) Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part. 5) Copyright/watermarked material or any kind. You are responsible for your upload.
Any attempt to upload the above prohibited content will void our privacy policy for the individual IP address, and customer information will be shared with third parties to include but not be limited to your local police and the FBI.

6. Terms of Use for Uploading Content (for users)

Uploader is solely responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them by accepting our terms of use. We permit the submission of photos and videos and other communications submitted by you and other users ("User Submissions") and the hosting, sharing, and/or publishing of such User Submissions. You understand that whether or not such User Submissions are published, does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any submissions.

7. is a Canada based website.

Any action or proceeding shall be in an appropriate provincial or federal court located in Canada.
Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service

How to block access to this website

We believe that this website should be accessible only to responsible and consenting adults. Therefore, we give users the tools to restrict access to this website should they find that necessary. is labeled using available labeling standard to represent ourselves as an adult website for mature audiences only. This means that any filtering software should easily block access to this website if it is installed and activated on the computer. The Internet Explorer Content Advisor, that is built into every Internet Explorer web browser to filter out websites that have labeled themselves as adult sites (as we have), will identify and filter this website. You may even contact the support staff and ask to ban your IP or username from ever returning to this website.
RTA Labeled

chansluts imageboard index

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