The Camwhores of Christmas Past

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No.109 : Hamstyrup [08/03/22(Sat)22:37] [Report] 1206250651151.jpg (40268 B, 604x453) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
40268 B

Lungcancerfags--what do you smoke?

Parliaments when I feel faggy, Djarum Blacks when I feel like an obnoxious hipster, and Marb menthols/Camel filters the rest of the time.

No.111 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)00:14] [Report] []

I don't smoke. I just break into hospitals and steal the cancerous lungs out of dead smokers and eat them.

No.112 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)00:14] [Report] []

p.s. post more pics

No.113 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)04:59] [Report] []

Awesome picture...your thighs look amazing - so skinny! You're very beautiful!

No.114 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)08:20] [Report] []

you are one yummy little slut

No.115 : quinland [08/03/23(Sun)08:39] [Report] []

camel 9's (lady cancer)

No.116 : Hamstyrup [08/03/23(Sun)08:54] [Report] []


There's something about the taste I can't stand...a hint of something like corn or otherwise kind of sickly sweet.

Virginia Slims, though, are bitch sticks I can tolerate.

No.117 : Hamstyrup [08/03/23(Sun)08:56] [Report] []

Ooh, and I can't believe I forgot to mention Springwaters. When I can afford 'em.

No.118 : navtiidia [08/03/23(Sun)09:00] [Report] []

YAY i just got a carton of Djarum's from Indonesia or w/e VIA tubes... syrup is my new idol but not in a wierd obsess way. tussin and cigs and shrooms, what DONT u do that is what i do? LOLZ @ 420chan... rly rly rly, whats next, smoking spice gold and Skunk: a new breed of weed on camera for us?

No.119 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)09:04] [Report] []

berkley menthol.

i hear consulate menthol are better but i usually only buy ten packs, and consulate come in twenties

No.120 : Hamstyrup [08/03/23(Sun)22:05] [Report] 1206335150995.jpg (85292 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
85292 B

Oh, gawsh. Home: my room is so goddamn pink. It's like living in a floral-scented, over-douched Queen of All Vaginas.

No druqks for like, three days and good food plus plenty of rest = I feel, I'd say 3 years younger because it's accurate but that's lame and I'm not like 50 so I can't say a more entertaining/drastic number like 15.

Mebbe tits if the folks go out/I'm up late and bored, la la la nudes etc.

No.121 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/23(Sun)23:29] [Report] []

Raptor Jesus was reborn today... you should do him proud :P

No.122 : Hamstyrup [08/03/24(Mon)00:01] [Report] 1206342080471.jpg (88687 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
88687 B

Um..Um, uh..


No.123 : navtiidia [08/03/24(Mon)11:56] [Report] 1206385005351.jpg (42998 B, 325x245) [YIS] [GIS] []
42998 B

eep u scarded me!

No.135 : mercibeaucoup ##3SJWJAwx [08/03/24(Mon)19:02] [Report] []

Bendy, I like that! :P

Internet is dead for me until the start of next month, so I'll be around more then.

No.136 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/24(Mon)19:22] [Report] []


No.137 : Hamstyrup [08/03/24(Mon)20:52] [Report] []


Oh hey, I almost didn't recognize you minus the romaji. XD

No.138 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/24(Mon)21:18] [Report] []

You have any messengers or a stickam?

No.140 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/25(Tue)02:10] [Report] []

I saw you vidya

No.141 : Hamstyrup [08/03/25(Tue)02:28] [Report] []


No problem there. I wanted to leave it up for you guys (well, I guess, considering I don't really know who anyone is or isn't), but I got spooked by someone who claimed to recognize me. They got pretty nasty.

It's pissing me off now and I can't get to sleep. I don't mind confrontation; it's the fact that they refuse to give up any of their own anonymity.

Paranoid girl is paranoid. And people wonder why I try to get high as often as possible...


No.143 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/25(Tue)10:05] [Report] []


cause you're a whore and now someone in real life recognizes you for the whore you are?

No.144 : Hamstyrup [08/03/25(Tue)10:21] [Report] []

Silly, you try too hard.

Read: Camwhore


Whore = old news.

No.145 : Hamstyrup [08/03/25(Tue)10:26] [Report] []


Also, consider this: I am a worthless internet whore. Sure, why argue.

You are, by association, one of the many who fap to a worthless whore while trying to ignore the fact that you will. never. get to fuck her. As one of the people who start flamefests to ignite the white knight demographic, you ultimately feed my popularity and gratify my heinous cravings for attention.

tl;dr: Thank you!

No.146 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/25(Tue)10:42] [Report] []

goddamn, cant people just look at the naked chick and shut up?
its not like anyone gives a rats ass anyway, its the freaking internet!

(serious business)

No.147 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/25(Tue)17:51] [Report] []


please don't hold yourself on such a high regard to think that everyone who comes here ultimately faps to you.

No.148 : Hamstyrup [08/03/25(Tue)18:44] [Report] []

Not exclusively me, dumbass; but the website IS called chansluts.

read: "bringing the camwhores of the world together"

By your very presence here you are either A) a camwhore, B) someone who comes here for fap material or to "get to know" people or C) someone who browses threads and works themselves into a frenzy over the audacity of promiscuous strangers.

All three are fail.

Welcome to the internet; where everyone fails. Including you.

No.149 : mercibeaucoup ##3SJWJAwx [08/03/25(Tue)19:51] [Report] []

I was hoping you'd get it was me. Anyway, I'm having to travel to uni each day in order to get access to the net, bleh.

Great apple photos and your bedroom looks pretty cute too, I approve! Speak soon.

No.150 : Keiri~ #WHCskuGJN. [08/03/25(Tue)20:52] [Report] []

I love the internet :9

No.151 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/26(Wed)00:36] [Report] []

i come here for the great coffee & the delicious muffins.

No.152 : Hamstyrup [08/03/26(Wed)01:40] [Report] []


You, good sir/madam, are the one who does not fail. Try the blueberry, we baked a fresh batch today.

No.153 : BubbleKush [08/03/26(Wed)01:54] [Report] []

Chansluts is like Twin Peaks, i come for the pie...

No.154 : navtiidia [08/03/26(Wed)07:49] [Report] []

omg reading your typing... i want pics now or vids of your mad perfect capitalization and grammar and punctuation skills.

No.155 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/26(Wed)15:39] [Report] []


>Djarum Blacks

nice choice

No.156 : Anonymous Stalker [08/03/27(Thu)04:24] [Report] []

Camel Turkish Silvers

No.158 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/03/27(Thu)11:19] [Report] []

It varied. (When I actually smoked, that is.)
I went through the Djarum Blacks stage, the Marlboro Reds stage, and then smoked mostly Camels (the ones in the little tins with all the yummy flavors), then finally DuMaurier. But really I smoked whatever looked good.

No.159 : Keiri #WHCskuGJN. [08/03/27(Thu)12:38] [Report] 1206646719616.jpg (601874 B, 1210x919) [YIS] [GIS] []
601874 B

stop it

No.160 : Keiri #WHCskuGJN. [08/03/27(Thu)12:39] [Report] 1206646786535.jpg (57040 B, 600x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.161 : Hamstyrup [08/03/27(Thu)21:31] [Report] []



oh lawd, is dat sum---what the fuck, is there gold leaf on that strawberry?

No.162 : Keiri~ #WHCskuGJN. [08/03/27(Thu)23:45] [Report] 1206686726384.jpg (42774 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []
42774 B

>>161 ya girl, that be gold leaf. pretty pointless to put gold on food if you ask me~

No.163 : Hamstyrup [08/03/28(Fri)02:52] [Report] []

What, pray tell, warrants these slobber-inducing photos of scrumptious cake?

Oh and agreed, no metals of any sort decorating my fruit please, precious or not.

No.164 : Keiri~ #WHCskuGJN. [08/03/28(Fri)08:05] [Report] []

>>163 I just thought you might like them :3 and I agree, no metal on food plz.

No.165 : Hamstyrup [08/03/28(Fri)08:48] [Report] []


Well, you were right. I came.

No.190 : age #eNwncubcDk [08/03/31(Mon)10:38] [Report] 1206985109039.jpg (17797 B, 215x327) [YIS] [GIS] []
17797 B

If there's one thing I like, it's metal on my fruit.

No.450 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/17(Tue)11:25] [Report] []

I don't smoke. I'm too being busy doing heroin.

No.455 : chaos [08/06/25(Wed)20:36] [Report] []

yeah yeah slow poster I know. Anywho when I smoke I usually go for plain reds, but that due to being a cheap bastard. Anywho yo I be new to this board.

No.456 : Anonymous Stalker [08/06/26(Thu)21:20] [Report] []


Can has? I'd wanna see teh sexeh Vid. I was without internet for a while and missed the update of sexy vid.

No.457 : #LHkodnKbCI [08/06/28(Sat)19:59] [Report] []

You're so beautiful ;_;

No.458 : U-96 [08/07/02(Wed)10:35] [Report] []

I actually smoke pipe tobacco. Usually Captain Black Royal or Borkum Riff Whiskey blend. Yes I'm 26 And I've been smoking a pipe since I was 20, the weirdness doesn't stop there..

No.459 : Sissi [08/07/02(Wed)18:27] [Report] []

It's only weird because you do it.

No.460 : Anonymous Stalker [08/07/07(Mon)06:52] [Report] []


No.483 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/24(Sun)05:35] [Report] []

camel turkish gold - as a regular
camel menthol - when i'm feeling minty
mild sevens - when i'm feeling asian
djarum blacks - when i feel i need something other than a real smoke

No.484 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/26(Tue)15:04] [Report] []

hipsters dont smoke cloves, goths do. we smoke bad cigarettes (its not ironic theyre just cheap)

No.485 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/26(Tue)20:35] [Report] []


Funky. Where I live, aging emo kids who wanna move onto debating Sartre and wearing those Castro hats are all over the cloves.

No.568 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/03(Wed)12:43] [Report] []


um.. latepass on video ! May I request?

No.591 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/13(Sat)19:35] [Report] []

My favorite cigarettes (back when smoked) were Balkan Sobranies. A nice blend that includes Latakia. Sold ten to a metal tin which you can use to hold odds and ends when empty. Same is true for James B. Russell Medium Turkish. For hipsters still waiting for their Unemployment check, there's always roll-your-own Bugler.

No.640 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/26(Mon)12:29] [Report] []

full flavor winston
kool mild when i'm high


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