♀ Kandie

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No.332 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/08/16(Sat)08:45] [Report] 1218901539966.jpg (44539 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
44539 B

i cut my hair

No.333 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/16(Sat)16:46] [Report] []

I liked it a lot before, but this is nice.

No.334 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/16(Sat)22:41] [Report] []

Äœi estas tre bela!

No.335 : Sissi [08/08/19(Tue)23:12] [Report] []

You should come visit me in my dreams. We could, you know, pet kitties and stuff

No.336 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/20(Wed)04:18] [Report] []

I'm going to use that as a pick up line

No.337 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/08/21(Thu)05:07] [Report] []

o ok :3

No.338 : Anonymous Stalker [08/08/21(Thu)11:53] [Report] 1219344780081.jpg (51260 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
51260 B

I want this back, Dani.

No.343 : MCCCXXXVII #lyvrCOwf52 [08/09/17(Wed)21:39] [Report] []

iawtc 120

No.344 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/23(Tue)17:50] [Report] 1222217428837.jpg (50349 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
50349 B

this good enough?

No.345 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/23(Tue)17:51] [Report] 1222217502145.jpg (32032 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.346 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/23(Tue)17:52] [Report] 1222217543791.jpg (65651 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.347 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/23(Tue)17:53] [Report] 1222217623677.jpg (67340 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.348 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/23(Tue)17:55] [Report] 1222217749569.jpg (60211 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.349 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/24(Wed)10:28] [Report] []

need moar sexy

No.350 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/25(Thu)09:38] [Report] 1222360716618.jpg (246277 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.351 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/09/25(Thu)09:39] [Report] 1222360784540.jpg (142635 B, 480x398) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.352 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/25(Thu)12:54] [Report] []

kandie is my future ex wife

No.353 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/26(Fri)07:48] [Report] []


No.354 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/26(Fri)16:38] [Report] []



No.355 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/27(Sat)13:40] [Report] []

I want to make sweet love to you

No.356 : Anonymous Stalker [08/09/27(Sat)13:53] [Report] []

It's good to see that you're still posting.

No.357 : caturday__:3 #ihCl0acchQ [08/09/28(Sun)01:16] [Report] []

Hay thar

No.375 : Sissi [08/10/14(Tue)11:01] [Report] []

i am not anonymous

No.376 : Corpse [08/10/15(Wed)20:58] [Report] []

I still say we should meet up someday and share a few smokes.
It'd be awkward as fuck, but I really don't care.

No.392 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [08/10/22(Wed)11:43] [Report] 1224701027765.jpg (193431 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
193431 B

i has a catstache

>>352 maybe
>>355 ok
>>356 im holding out for a new camera
>>357 ohi
>>375 nope
>>376 go for it

No.488 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/26(Mon)11:08] [Report] []

where the nudes at ?

No.489 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/01/26(Mon)11:57] [Report] []

on polaroids in my sock drawer

No.490 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/01/26(Mon)15:43] [Report] []

actually there are nudes on polaroids. just not in your sock drawer lol

No.500 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/01/28(Wed)01:34] [Report] []

Well, why not?

No.501 : evil robot ted [09/01/28(Wed)01:46] [Report] 1233125179760.jpg (84517 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
84517 B


'Cause it's on my bulletin board, lul.

No.502 : Sissi #OLAi9VIw7M [09/01/28(Wed)19:39] [Report] []

If you were to sell me the bulletin, would the pictures be included?

No.503 : evil robot ted [09/01/28(Wed)20:45] [Report] []


I am sorry, sir. I have too many awesome memories on that board.

'Sides, there are better pictures of her on the internets.

No.504 : dandylion ##9qljrI1I [09/01/29(Thu)03:40] [Report] []

its only the one picture. I have his [ERT's] Polaroid camera, so I can always take some and mail them to you :]


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