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2025 DAY 1 (2024 DAY 367 / 2023 DAY 732 / 2022 DAY 1097 / 2021 DAY 1462 / 2020 DAY 1828)
Catharsis Academy - 2025 Semester 1"oh god we've been doing this shit for 20 years" edition
let's do our best to have a shitty garbage year(ssshhh it's reverse psychology don't tell Cracky)
2020 thread 1 of 1: ( thread 1 of 1: ( thread 1 of 2: ( thread 2 of 2: ( thread 1 of 2: ( thread 2 of 2: ( thread 1 of 2: ( thread 2 of 2: ( thread 1 of X:
God, I love Cracky and the Roffs.
>>27938 well I HATE THEM!!!
mutual masturbation with HER
2025 DAY 2 (2024 DAY 368 / 2023 DAY 733 / 2022 DAY 1098 / 2021 DAY 1463 / 2020 DAY 1829)
Cracky on the schoolbus (not AI) (actual photo) (REAL)
my life is exactly like a bad script written by sadists, or a simulation constructed by ai gathered a central intelligence agency
Post the bathtub pics including the one with dem tiddies
2025 DAY 3 (2024 DAY 369 / 2023 DAY 734 / 2022 DAY 1099 / 2021 DAY 1464 / 2020 DAY 1830)
>>27945 who do you work for? CIA? FBI? NSA? ATF? KGB? KKK? BLM? DHS? DEA? NIH? CDC? MI5? MI6? MI7?
it's not going to feel the same without her
I'll just leave this here...
>>27946People who work don't need this website
not the j-word
2025 DAY 4 (2024 DAY 370 / 2023 DAY 735 / 2022 DAY 1100 / 2021 DAY 1465 / 2020 DAY 1831)
the Tiktok kids have started referring to Israel as "Isnotreal", that's terrible, I support the existence of Israel... so do you, right? Dear reader? I haven't heard you explicitly say you support the existence of Israel lately. That's kinda sus.
>>27955hey bignose
2025 DAY 5 (2024 DAY 371 / 2023 DAY 736 / 2022 DAY 1101 / 2021 DAY 1466 / 2020 DAY 1832)
post a comment in this webzone if you acknowledge Israel's right to exist
butts are gross
>>27958 you need to get a bidet
I need a Cracky mommy girlfriend
2025 DAY 6 (2024 DAY 372 / 2023 DAY 737 / 2022 DAY 1102 / 2021 DAY 1467 / 2020 DAY 1833)
how much would you pay for a small Cracky?
Cracky's pussy is the devil!
>>27944me too, with a double dose of Forrest Gump without Jenny or the money.
>>27955FYI the conspiracy crowd has been doing that since b4 the internet.
Every generation thinks they discovered sex.
I've never thought I discovered sex
Sex: The Undiscovered Country
>>27970that joke would make more sense if it was a plantet...URanus.
I myself have experienced this:
One Saturday evening when I came from Ransta, they dropped me off at the main building. When I walked below the window of the library, I looked up and thought I saw the shadow of a person who stood and looked at me and who then moved away from the window.
The place is always alerted after 22 so if someone had been in there, the alarm would have gone off and the security company would have come, but nothing like that happened. I know it was Saturday night and I wasn't completely sober, but I'm almost certain it was a cracky I saw.
Europeon detected
I think it's funny how British people refer to their women as "slags" like slag heap
'Smite the Semite'.This means Cracky.
2025 DAY 7 (2024 DAY 373 / 2023 DAY 738 / 2022 DAY 1103 / 2021 DAY 1468 / 2020 DAY 1834)
I'm worried that some LIAR might be telling Cracky that I don't support Israel's right to exist, and that's why she hasn't been talking to me lately.
Do not lie to Cracky, this is your only warning
Pic related, the hammer is a symbol of your skull being crushed if you keep lying to Cracky about me
bang bang crackwell silverhammer
Is Crackly too old for a Chatur bate account?
>>27985 in your mind is she there for the chat or the bate?
2025 DAY 8 (2024 DAY 374 / 2023 DAY 739 / 2022 DAY 1104 / 2021 DAY 1469 / 2020 DAY 1835)
from Cracky's reddit account
"kamehameha"~me, to Cracky
>>27987 i follow her reddit account and that's not on it
miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
There's nothing after Earth.Nocheeky soul trap, no Heaven nor Hell anything.Statistically you're born again as a fully brown super smelly Jeet, Kek.Cracky died æeons ago Desu Kek.
2025 DAY 9 (2024 DAY 375 / 2023 DAY 740 / 2022 DAY 1105 / 2021 DAY 1470 / 2020 DAY 1836)
time is a flat circle
>time is a flat circle
>he doesn't know
(why does this sound like a slur)
fucking kaggots
oh my god it's real
whenever someone says "bottom surgery" it makes me think they're having something done to their butthole
>derives the term cagot from the Latin caco-deus, caco meaning "false, bad, deceitful", and deus meaning "god", due to a belief that Cagots were descended from the Alans and followed Arianism and not Cracky.
>>28007who is this sexy man in the image?
CRACKY funk me!
2025 DAY 10 (2024 DAY 376 / 2023 DAY 741 / 2022 DAY 1106 / 2021 DAY 1471 / 2020 DAY 1837)
this makes me think about her
The spamfilter won't let me rely the latest massage from Bull Gayts to all the vaxxxies. Thank you spamfilter. Valuable SCYENTIFIC talk is cut off leading to sickness and death
it's going to be so sad when he dies like the end of an era
2025 DAY 11 (2024 DAY 377 / 2023 DAY 742 / 2022 DAY 1107 / 2021 DAY 1472 / 2020 DAY 1838)
>>28009 wow that's rude, I doubt she does stuff like that, pic unrelated (or IS IT?)
Hi. I wrote this song
C GPeepee goes in peepeeand pee pee goes in poo pooPeepee goes in peepeeand pee pee goes in poo pooPoo poo goes in loo looand poo poo goes on dedicated shitting streetand pee pee goes in pee peeAnd pee pee goes in poo poo
D4 bad, D4 dogshit
me and cracky
>>28020guess which one is cracky
SHE IS A WITCH, I learned it by reading her breasts
do you ever feel guilty about having seen underage boobs (I don't)
i didn't see her boobs
>>28013Your garden snake will never reach his level
>>28025 if you're telling the truth I feel sad for you but I suspect you're probably trolling
tell me more, did you intentionally avoid seeing her naked underage breasts or did you simply never have the opportunity?
I'm not sure which is worse
imagine a Crackyfag Civil War between two factions, Have Seen The Breasts and Have Not Seen The Breasts
but then the Have Not Seen The Breasts faction breaks into civil war between the Wants To See The Breasts faction and the Does Not Want To See The Breasts faction
so then you have a three-way civil war
but then the Has Seen The Breasts faction splits into the Regrets Seeing The Breasts faction and the Does Not Regret Seeing The Breasts faction
then you have a 4-way civil war:
also there's a secret 5th faction, the Pretends To Have Seen The Boobs But Actually Hasn't Faction, but they pose as members of one of the Has Seen The Breasts subfactions
and maybe even there's a secret 6th faction, Has Seen The Breasts But Pretends Not To Have Faction, which poses as members of one of the Has Not Seen The Breasts subfactions
so we're looking at a potential 6-way civil war, wouldn't that be crazy?
but what about blind people, should they have their own Literally Cannot Ever See The Breasts Faction?
I think that "Does Not Want To See The Breasts" would probably ally with "Regrets Seeing The Breasts"
but also, "Regrets Seeing The Breasts" would probably absorb "Wants To See The Breasts" by SHOWING THEM THE BREASTS
2025 DAY 12 (2024 DAY 378 / 2023 DAY 743 / 2022 DAY 1108 / 2021 DAY 1473 / 2020 DAY 1839)
>>28033 I don't know, do you drink tea, do you WANT her to drink tea, would it make you happy?
>>28034 isn't that the same meme as this
time is indeed a flat circle
I'll poop into your butt hole, and you'll poop it back into mine, and we'll keep going back and forth with the same poop. Forever. ))<>((".
>isn't that the same meme as this>time is indeed a flat circle
>>28023There's no such thing as underaged boobs.Then she would be -1 yo or less.Do you even exist then??No you don't.
>>28039Kek. Do young naïve fags really have a 'today I will' phase?Roflmfalo even.
Me and not CRACKY
Does CRACKY make good fudge?
I'd like to plan a trip to England someday and try her fudge.
me n cracky
2025 DAY 13 (2024 DAY 379 / 2023 DAY 744 / 2022 DAY 1109 / 2021 DAY 1474 / 2020 DAY 1840)
this makes me think of her, are you powerful enough to help CRACKY?
2025 DAY 14 (2024 DAY 380 / 2023 DAY 745 / 2022 DAY 1110 / 2021 DAY 1475 / 2020 DAY 1841)
this is the perfect metaphor for Cracky, she says she's lonely and yet, here we stand
so lonely that you cry all over the floor :(
>>28053this really says a lot about society
Haha Yes!
Me my homies and CRACKY
>>28030irrelevant, even the pictures of her bewbs are old enough to vote now.
I'm 37 and haven't fapped in four days it's over I no longer have a sex drive
I'm having an etiffany
I don't have any tea it's unironically over
>>28068it's over AF
2025 DAY 15 (2024 DAY 381 / 2023 DAY 746 / 2022 DAY 1111 / 2021 DAY 1476 / 2020 DAY 1842)
>>28060 wow that really is a metaphor for CRACKY
This is my brain on Cracky
2025 DAY 16 (2024 DAY 382 / 2023 DAY 747 / 2022 DAY 1112 / 2021 DAY 1477 / 2020 DAY 1843)
imagine a game called Capture The Cracky
we would need a field to play it on
perhaps we could play it on the Olivia field
imagine you and your mates are playing capture the flag but with olivia and one team cums in her and wins and then just for funsies the other team cums in her too
imagine you had a dream that that you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?
>>28075>>28076>>28077Fields...really nigger???
It's not real,
but don't get all hung up about it.
this image reminds me of a beach boys album cover or something
>>28079Or something.
>>28081hey that's my mouth! that's my mouth!!
i SExually identify as Cracky's sex partner and soulmate and husband/wife
The Ninth Gate is a 1999 neo-noir horror thriller film directed, produced, and co-written by Roman Polanski. An international co-production between the United States, Portugal, France, and Spain, the film is loosely based upon Arturo Pérez-Reverte's 1993 novel The Club Dumas. The film stars Johnny Depp as a dealer of rare books who is tasked with authenticating a 17th-century book that, if used correctly, can summon the Devil.
Dean Corso, a New York City rare book dealer, is hired by wealthy collector Boris Balkan. Balkan has acquired a copy of The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, a book by 17th-century author Aristide de Torchia said to be able to summon the Devil. Torchia is alleged to have written the book in collaboration with the Devil, and only three copies survived when he and his works were burned for heresy. Balkan believes only one of the three is authentic and wants Corso to inspect the other two to determine which one. During his travels, Corso comes into contact with a mysterious woman ("The Girl") who appears to be following him.
Corso interviews Liana Telfer, the widow of Andrew Telfer who sold Balkan The Nine Gates shortly before killing himself. Telfer later seduces Corso, hoping he will sell the book to her. After they have sex, and he refuses to sell, she attacks him, and knocks him unconscious. The next day, Corso goes to a bookseller he had entrusted the book to and finds him hanged in his store like an engraving in The Nine Gates. Corso retrieves the book and travels to Toledo, Spain, to speak to the Ceniza Brothers, book restorers who owned Balkan's copy before the Telfers. The two show him that, of the book's nine engravings, only six are signed "AT"; the other three are signed "LCF" for Lucifer.
Corso travels to Sintra, Lisbon, Portugal, and meets with Victor Fargas who owns a copy of The Nine Gates. Corso finds that three different engravings in his copy are signed "LCF", and the engravings signed this way have subtle differences from those signed "AT". Corso relays his findings to Balkan and Balkan orders him to acquire Fargas' copy. The next day the Girl takes Corso to see Fargas, who has been drowned; Corso retrieves Fargas's burnt copy from the fireplace and finds the three "LCF" engravings torn out. Corso goes to Paris, France, to investigate the third copy owned by Baroness Kessler. Wary of Corso and knowing he is employed by Balkan, she refuses him. Corso is attacked while walking outside only to be saved by The Girl who exhibits seemingly supernatural powers. Corso hides Balkan's book in his hotel room and tells Kessler about the "LCF" engravings, proposing that each copy has three that together make an authentic set of nine. Intrigued, Kessler allows Corso to look at her copy. Corso is attacked, and the Baroness is strangled to death and her library set on fire. Corso returns to his hotel and discovers Balkan's copy is missing, probably stolen by Liana.
The Girl and Corso track Liana to her family's ancestral manor where a Satanic cult are conducting a ritual using Balkan's book. Balkan interrupts the ceremony, takes his copy back, and strangles Liana to death as the rest of the members run away in fear. Corso abandons the Girl, presuming she was working for Balkan, and pursues Balkan but loses him when his car breaks down. Corso finds a clue in Kessler's belongings that directs him to a remote castle, where Balkan is preparing to summon the Devil using the nine "LCF" engravings. He subdues Corso and forces him to watch as he performs the ritual; it apparently works and grants Balkan power and immunity to harm, and he immolates himself to demonstrate and attempt to convince a still skeptical Corso. However, the ritual seemingly fails and Balkan begins to scream in pain from the flames engulfing his body. Corso eventually frees himself, retrieves the engravings and shoots Balkan to end his torment. Sitting in Balkan's car, Corso is startled by the Girl, and she kisses him. The two are then shown having passionate sex on the ground while backlit by the burning castle. The Girl's face and eyes seem to change as she writhes astride Corso in a state of crazed bliss.
After, as the two are traveling, the Girl explains Balkan's ritual did not work because the ninth engraving was forged. When they stop for gasoline she vanishes, but leaves Corso a note sending him to the Ceniza brothers. At their shop, Corso finds they have vanished and the shop is being cleaned out. As workmen remove a large bookcase, a dust-covered paper floats down from the top. This is the authentic engraving, which depicts a woman who resembles the Girl riding atop a dragon-like beast in front of the castle at dawn. Corso, now with all nine authentic engravings in his possession, returns to the castle. The gates open on their own and emit a powerful bright light as Corso walks through, taking the journey through the Ninth Gate.
2025 DAY 17 (2024 DAY 383 / 2023 DAY 748 / 2022 DAY 1113 / 2021 DAY 1478 / 2020 DAY 1844)
I had a dream about young man who was told by a fortune teller that he would die because of a cat
So he spent his entire life avoiding cats, he even played it safe and avoided CT scans at the hospital and anything even vaguely cat-related
He lived to old age but eventually became terminally ill and opted for euthanasia
They hooked him up to a computer and gave him instructions on how to initiate the euthanasia procedure
Perhaps the fortune teller was wrong, he thought
The euthanasia instructions told him to create two text files containing certain text to confirm his consent and then run the following command: cat consent1.txt consent2.txt | ./euthanasia (followed by some additional arguments which the spam filter doesn't like)
He typed the command and as he died he realized that he did in fact die because of a cat
I'm not really sure what to think about this
What do you think?
>>28085was it because of a black cat?
is this legitimate?
2025 DAY 18 (2024 DAY 384 / 2023 DAY 749 / 2022 DAY 1114 / 2021 DAY 1479 / 2020 DAY 1845)
insert boilerplate here, this is a metaphor for CRACKY, this makes me think about her, me & Cracky, this really says a lot about society etc etc blah blah does it even matter what I say here
me on my way to crackys
Yeah, I'm sure they won't ask you for anything you're not willing to lose.
Me n Cracky
What does H5180 mean?
found the nation I want to play
>>28106these guys are cool and refined. they're basically the dark souls of dominions imo.
>>28107addendum: but with vampires
you mean jews, it can't be avoided.
>>28105PR stunt for Trump just like the Iranian hostages for Reagan back in 80. I wouldn't worry about it, besides it's not like you can't use it with a VPN, srsly ban evasion should be trivial for any Crackyfag.
I want a Jewish Vampire Countess girlfriend
we had one day of peace
not even a full day
but it was a good day
I've never once been on tik tok
I have an email and steam account that's all.
..and a Cracky account
Your vulva, the horn,The Boat of HeavenIs full of eagerness like the young moon.Your untilled land lies fallow.
As for me, Inanna,I will plow your vulva.I will plow your high field.I will station the ox there.
wait why are we talking about tik tok those motherfuckers have done it again
2025 DAY 19 (2024 DAY 385 / 2023 DAY 750 / 2022 DAY 1115 / 2021 DAY 1480 / 2020 DAY 1846)
do you believe that Cracky is pro-tiktok or anit-tiktok?
people want what they can't have, duh.
I don't want it because I can have it because a simple ban wouldn't stop me. I simply don't like the format, it's tarded, but it is at least their shit's not all fucked up like reddit.
2025 DAY 20 (2024 DAY 386 / 2023 DAY 751 / 2022 DAY 1116 / 2021 DAY 1481 / 2020 DAY 1847)
this Cracky when think you remind like look about?? when the Olivia
when she nut but you keep suckin
when she suck but you keep nuttin
when she you but nut suck keepin
would you like to pet cracky's pussy?
just the thought of being in the same room as a naked vagina makes me nauseous
I hate that some people here have lain with women IRL, that's so gross
>>28127how you be nuttin when she aint sucked nuttin?
Young Crack, there's no need to feel downI said, young Crack, pick yourself off the ground
My girl's, my girl's deeickI said, my girl's, my girl's deeick
>>28127 only one of them was slightly gross. it comes down to quality over quantity. also stick with the 16-18 year olds (though these days that's not nearly as much an indicator of quality). there are new, fresh 16 year olds to choose from every year.
isn't tiktok kind of how i started jerking off to dell belfiend? wasnt she on tiktok or something and i started jerking off to her a lot?
and bonbibonkers
he just names (((them)))
How do I get a cartoon gf?
The Bitch Queen Cracky
>>28136I know this might sound a bit crazy, but have you tried using a pencil or even digital ink, or hell having the AI do it for you?
Wishing for a thing is not enough, you must will it into existence through action...however feeble.
password manager generated "6jZ6SkB5KME9dNGfKiKE", is it trying to tell me something?
I didn't actually use the password for anything I just generated another one
they just released Via Getty from jail
It's not that I need to generate a cartoon gf. They already exist. Someone already created them. It's more like how can I be sure that this cartoon gf loves me?
>love me
the Jews did this
>>28149The oven is where they belong.
>>28148Kek. Why would they put them on TV then if they can't reason? Why would they let them talk if they got nothing to say?
>>28152r u srs rite now?for funsies
look I don't say this to just anybody, but forget about 2dgirls or 3dpds and just get yourself a fleshlight and call it what it is, the best you can probably do besides an hero.
>>28153Once you cross the barrier, you learn by observing your relationship with your soul and its Creator. To
Sp filter won't let me explain so your nugger brain understands.
chicken nugger?
2025 DAY 21 (2024 DAY 387 / 2023 DAY 752 / 2022 DAY 1117 / 2021 DAY 1482 / 2020 DAY 1848)
How would you handle this situation?
The person who sent this appears to be of the cult of Yeshua, the INSANE CRIMINALS who believe that Jesus Christ created the universe
she must think I'm one of them but I'm no sicko, I serve the queen of the sky!
Should I report her? Or send her Cracky pics to try to convert her?
"beep"~smoke alarm in a black person's house
imagine being a smoke detector in a black household, KNOWING that you're going to die slowly and painfully over the course of several months and no matter how much you scream nobody is ever coming to help you
why does somebody keep posting illegal materials on this board (and all the other boards apparently)
maybe you don't see it because it usually gets deleted pretty quickly
don't they know that crime is illegal?
it's elong must
2025 DAY 22 (2024 DAY 388 / 2023 DAY 753 / 2022 DAY 1118 / 2021 DAY 1483 / 2020 DAY 1849)
Cracky when she finds out people are posting illegal stuffs in her temple
Cracky (my senpai): "ara ara~"Me: "chotto matte"
(not sure if daijobu)
Goddamit I CAME again and now I feel like SHIT
>created the universe>universe>singular
We live in a sea of infinite universes and realities and while I'm sure that in at least one of them, you might possibly have a shot at getting some pussy, sadly it's not this universe, re-roll at your leisure, if you must.
>>28171good goyim
>We live in a sea of infinite universes and realities
and yet here you are
Anyone got that old Mario and Yoshi sex comic?
>here you are
where ever you go, there you are.
sea of infinite planets and galaxies and universes and here we are unable to separate ourselves
Me and Cracky
>>28177Imagine a reality where Crackydopplegangers do science...and are smug about it.
Cracky's such a fuckin' ho, I love it (I love it)
>>28183Notice they didn't put out a guide for redheads 'cause that's just crazy talk.
>>28183Oh hey, guess who got a pardon, maybe that guide could come in handy after all.
my father used to say "I wouldn't wear that shirt to a nigger rodeo"
it meant "I do not like the shirt"
"this ain't my first nigger rodeo"~me at my second nigger rodeo
have you ever seen a black man riding a horse IRL, why or why not?
I've never been to a nigger rodeo but I've been to desegregated rodeos and horse shows, almost everybody was white but not everybody so I've PROBABLY seen a black man riding a horse IRL but it didn't leave a strong enough impression on me to really remember.
but not stealing the horse?Does Blazing Saddles count or Django, count?
i'm finally getting to that point where i just watch naked girls without touching myself i feel like a real man
>>28193That just means you've fried your serotonin receptors, if you keep at it eventually the damage becomes permanent and you'll have chemically neutered yourself without chemicals using only the power of your hand.
>>28194i think it's because i've been sick and the last time i wanked i had the WORST day
>>28194i'd fuck the shit out of this bitch
i'm a sick duck i like my duck sucked
gosh anon you're such a loser
I'm in love with a duck. No bully, plz.
Also me and Cracky.
I'm astral sexing with Cracky almost every night niw.
On a cocktail of vintage (pre-US legalisatikn) absinthe, adderall and kabballah meditation (refrom Jewish non Crowley),
That hoe over there knows how to milk a proper ghost cick knowmesayn?
2025 DAY 23 (2024 DAY 389 / 2023 DAY 754 / 2022 DAY 1119 / 2021 DAY 1484 / 2020 DAY 1850)
does this make you think about her? why or why not?
Cracky-chan is gone and my life in withers CRACKY IS GONE AND MY LIFE IN WITHERS
It's over Trumps a retarded orange nigger.
>>28207 to avoid slurs you could say "Neurodivergent Orange African-American" instead
although Elon Musk is the actual African-American
me to Elon Musk
when I found out trump is just giving 500 billion dollars to the democrats his 4th day in office I lost my shit
i hate this world so much i hate my family i hate the government i hate the people i hate this country i hate the tech companies i hate the social media i hate the press i hate the media
i hate the television i hate the phone companies i hate the websites i hate the internet
i hate my body i hate myself
i hate the humans i hate the ai
i hate my friends mostly because i don't have any but if i did i wuld probably hate them too
i hate the antichrist i hate the planets i hate the universe i hate other galaxies
i hate the stars
i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hate my steam friend
i hate the fucking moon fuck the sstupid ass moon fuck you
i hate anime fuck anime
i hate faggots
i hate druggies i hate alcoholics
i hate fat orange niggers
i hate consumerism i hate capitalism
everything is terrible
i hate manchildren
i hate insincere fake ass selfish people
i hate chain smokers that do nothing but smoke all day and smell like shit
i hate loud noises
2025 DAY 24 (2024 DAY 390 / 2023 DAY 755 / 2022 DAY 1120 / 2021 DAY 1485 / 2020 DAY 1851)
wow somebody's really going through it
when you're sad just close your eyes and think of CRACKY
unless your depression is caused by CRACKY in which case I guess you're "S.O.L."
this was in one of her photobuckets under the name "cheer_up_by_larkin_art.jpg"
why is it called "cheer_up"? I dunno, post a comment in this webzone if you have any ideas
i HATE peter pan
will Slutchan be joining Reddit in banning links to
I'm convinced he's the devil that's how he survived that assassination attempt and all the others
you know that song "have yourself a very merry Christmas"
WHAT IF instead it was "have yourself a very negro Christmas"
what if instead of making another warning Putin actually did something
is that what they do in Russia give people unlimited warnings
I'm a coomer
I'm a bitch I'm a lover I'm a child I'm a mother
I'm a simp I'm a coomer I'm a chud I'm a gooner
why is nobody talking about this
because its dumb and nobody cares
why does nobody ever talk about the THUG problem
the hug problem
people are going without hugs
Go on now to the lake of fire with you.
you're irredeemable you've been branded
>>28246 how would you feel if someone said you were dumb and nobody cared about you?
>>28253i wouldn't care because i hate them
do you think it's cool not to care about things
>>28255i don't care if it's cool
why is nobody talking about tom green being a Jew
cracky-chan is gone and my life is abysmal dogshit
Pick your'es a waifu
2025 DAY 25 (2024 DAY 391 / 2023 DAY 756 / 2022 DAY 1121 / 2021 DAY 1486 / 2020 DAY 1852)
this almost made me think of her, except the nipples part, because we already know, so we have no need to ask her
i don't know what color they are
>a blank image
>>28273 why has this site not banned X links???
fucking bitch cracky owes me centuries of sex
big black cracky
big black crackies
operation big black cracky
what are you chuds been cooking
>intentionally long audible farting noises
>>28284THIS IS sean connery now?
Cracky's nipples are pink. This must be proof that she's really white iinnit?
i like gray nipples
I know I masturbated today but I legitimately can't remember if I ejaculated or not
>>28262Damn, Cracky got fat AF
What was found at the airport was a doll.What Mosan put on display was a dead body.Is it too late?
>>28289-_- dude
their women are liches
2025 DAY 26 (2024 DAY 392 / 2023 DAY 757 / 2022 DAY 1122 / 2021 DAY 1487 / 2020 DAY 1853)
me & cracky
>>28295 the bones are their money
this is what i want to do to her
2025 DAY 27 (2024 DAY 393 / 2023 DAY 758 / 2022 DAY 1123 / 2021 DAY 1488 / 2020 DAY 1854)
look at this, I've received reports that someone is making memes implying Cracky should "DIE"
should I notify the cyber police or the state police?
>>28299neither you should notify Interpol immediately
interpol = internet police?
>>28301yeah okay
>>28303yes.the monotonous tone perfectly describes what it's like to love a goddess that sees you as something to scrape off the bottom of her shoe.
you say, "should have" not "of" nobody says, "should of"
>>28306NOBODY types should have, it's should've, you fossil.
>>28307somewhere in ireland
It's very important now that CrACMY starts sucking my cock
does crakcy wanna watch me jork my peanuts?
where are >>28311 >>28312 >>28313
my headcanon is that they all said "It's very important now that CrACMY starts sucking my cock", this is based on pattern recognition
It's with sadness that I must inform you that your assumption is erroneous.
I'm the very author of the post 'It's very important now that CrACMY starts sucking my cock'
>>28312 >>28313, as I vividly remember, both consisted of praise and/or appreciation of my post but whose verbatim formulas I'm no longer able to remember.
>>28314 on the other hand was a result of me mysteriously discovering the phrase 'It's very important now that CrACMY starts sucking my cock' still lingering in the comments field leading me to ruminate upon wheather I hadn't posted it already and subsequently clicking submit only to immediately discover I had indeed already posted it in >828311
The engima regarding why >>28312 >>28313 were deleted and by whom and why the text was able to still linger in the comment field after being posted must remain unresolved mysteries.
2025 DAY 28 (2024 DAY 394 / 2023 DAY 759 / 2022 DAY 1124 / 2021 DAY 1489 / 2020 DAY 1855)
remember PEE KING DUCK
(newfags won't get it)
newfags can't sinep
>>28320Who's the newfag now?
my life's a comedy and yet nobody finds me likeably funny or funny they don't even laugh at me it's all just visceral hate
2025 DAY 29 (2024 DAY 395 / 2023 DAY 760 / 2022 DAY 1125 / 2021 DAY 1490 / 2020 DAY 1856)
>>28326 CRACKY loves you, is that not enough?
(picture possibly unrelated)
only oldfags will remember this
>CRACKY loves you, is that not enough?
if that were true this would be enough
>>28331A vague distant undefined sort of love? No. I'd rather live in her vitriolic hate, it is at least tangible.
I wanna suck her butt
2025 DAY 30 (2024 DAY 396 / 2023 DAY 761 / 2022 DAY 1126 / 2021 DAY 1491 / 2020 DAY 1857)
>>28330 Gulf Of Crackico
bleh i want to suck her butt
Cracky's holes are too Wide now because iff intensive Usage. She can no longer provide Pleasure.This site should therefore be terminated and their users too. Put out of tyeir kisery by Cyber Police.Web hotel range ip banned. Web archive deleted.
>>28337small error it should be misery
Docker is such crap software
Mitt Romney in a pt cruiser driving off The Grandy Canyon
Blue Bonnet is not real butter; YWNBARB
a very huge valentine's day coming up what are we getting her leave comments in the WebZone
>>28342 this Valentine's Day, It's very important now that CrACMY starts sucking my "pee king duck" if you know what I meme, post a comment in this webzone if you know this is what the refrance
>>28342 i;m thinking about giving her just my dick ON valentines HEH HE HEH
you're a piece of shit clone puppet
i can't post any cracky images duplicate files exist here.
Chinese cartoons and a smol pp
>>28350i made this :)
My violence will be swift, my dominance will be unrelenting.
2025 DAY 31 (2024 DAY 397 / 2023 DAY 762 / 2022 DAY 1127 / 2021 DAY 1492 / 2020 DAY 1858)
>>28347 are you sure about that
>>28353is this the laziest form of the day counter posting?
not even close
2025 DAY 32 (2024 DAY 398 / 2023 DAY 763 / 2022 DAY 1128 / 2021 DAY 1493 / 2020 DAY 1859)
CRACKY CRACKY CRACKY oh wait I didn't sleep yet so it doesn't count
or does it?
there's so much about the system I still don't know
to the window, to the wall 'til the sweat drop down her balls
3 Jeets outside mh window.
Jesus what can I do.
Not own A gun.
Hecwould come after me truedeu. With pen andcsword. And here's the bi,l my man. Pay or dlse. Yere my whitey. Pay oe else.
What else can we do. Jeets jeets dveryhere.
Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt.
>>28362 same energy
>>28367same energy
is this Jupiter
Imagine this uggo smelling up the Room
>>28370 possible phoneposter spotted
erm what the sigma
that feels suspiciously like a telephone resolution
when she bixxes in the nood
can we pretend that airplanesin the night skyare like shootin' starsI could really use abix right noodbix right noodbix right nood
bix noodist
2025 DAY 33 (2024 DAY 399 / 2023 DAY 764 / 2022 DAY 1129 / 2021 DAY 1494 / 2020 DAY 1860)
this is a metaphor for how she abandoned us, oops, did I say abandoned, I meant to say she's testing our patience and our faith until the time is right for her to return, she is coming soon, it is not for us to know the day or the hour, knowing the year would be nice though
I was playing civ as Egypt and everything was going great until I founded my religion, and Islam was already taken, and I panicked and chose Hinduism and now I feel like my game is completely ruined but it's okay I think because it's online speed so 250 turns max but damn.
I fucked up by not zerg rushing islam as egypt
and no, it doesn't matter which religion you pick gameplay wise but still
i like carbonated beverages and i like pastas and noodles
and curry
hot wings too with ranch
i like cracky's boobies too
SHE showed me her boobies and I like them too!
(She didn't actually show me her boobies)
she showed ALL of us her boobies
>>28389no the glowniggers did
she's not a slut either this board is a fallacy
>>28390 um it's currently Black History Month
you have 11 other months where you can say the N word as much as you want
it's only a 28-day month and you couldn't even make it to day 3
I want to see London I want to see France I NEED to see Cracky's underpants
>>28395 she showed you her breasts and you ask for more???
did you ever even say "thank you" for the boob pics?
>>28396I NEED to suck on them
What are these boob pics everyone keeps talking about? I don't see them anywhere.
I NEED to SUCK them!
humans are obsolete they're being replaced you're passed your expiration date etc.
>>28403how can we even compete
I cooka the spaghetti
Spacracky and meatballs
Cracky or a ps5
It's me, boy, I'm the PS5
Speaking to you inside your brain
L1sten to me boy
Leave the girl, we don't need her
Come with me and play my games
We'll have cowboy times in space
Do-do-do-do, yeah
You need me, boy, your free will is an illus
2025 DAY 34 (2024 DAY 400 / 2023 DAY 765 / 2022 DAY 1130 / 2021 DAY 1495 / 2020 DAY 1861)
"there's no such thing as Black Cracky"~some fool
oh, hmm, looks like you were incorrect
>>28392NIGGER, say it right or don't say it at all.
>blacks writing on their hand in black ink
shouldn't they use whiteout?
the state I live in has no chance against a jeet invasion the mayors and governors would cave so fast and make the natives here poor and a slave class. they would sellout all their business and fire any white workers the males first followed by the female whites.
Lulz I don't even know what I'm saying
because I'm not saying anything I'm actually typing but I'm quoting my inner monologue but not using the quote feature
>Like this
I'm doing it right now.
the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation
imagine if there were usernames so you could tell schizoid A and schizoid B and schizoid C apart
it would kind of defeat the point though
anonymous legion
remember when we did not forget
remember when we remembered
2025 DAY 35 (2024 DAY 401 / 2023 DAY 766 / 2022 DAY 1131 / 2021 DAY 1496 / 2020 DAY 1862)
this reminds me of Cracky
if Cracky asked "MISS ME YET?"
I would have to answer in the affirmative
but she would have to appear to ask the question
in which case I would no longer miss her because she wouldn't be gone
so it's like a catch 22
many many years ago I knew a girl named Hunter Brandon, how weird is that, what are the odds
I wonder if she's still alive and what she thinks about all the stuff & things
what are you the Vatican?
You should have married her and lived to see your shitcoin moon but no, of course you pussyshitted out and here you are now, poor like me and everybody else.
ALL I can speak is English how pathetic. Does Cracky need more>? I don't think so.
what's the difference between 'quite regularly' and 'very often'
is it weird to still masturbate to your highschool yearbook
>>28453masturbating is perfectly normal when you're single or never had sex before.
but like are there limits to what you should masturbate to
>>28455well sure but old photographs of people you knew isn't that weird ya' know?
on a spectrum of things out there it's very tame believe me
i masturbated to a princess leia figurine before OKAY, OKAY
why would you masturbate to a yearbook when you can rape a living woman?
>>28459 I don't want to go to jail
the girls in my highschool yearbook are underage but it's not illegal because the pictures aren't pornographic
I was underage when they were underage so I feel like I have the moral authority to continue masturbating to the pictures
>>28461 that's not how it works
>>28462 you can't just say that you need to provide evidence
not going to stop masturbating to highschool yearbook unless someone makes a GOOD argument why I shouldn't
sometimes I think about looking up the hot girls from high school to see if they have hot daughters now, but I feel like it would be wrong, like crossing a line
I'm going to continue masturbating to underage photos of the hot girls I went to school with, but I'm NOT going to masturbate to their hot daughters, if they exist
I'm not even going to look if the daughters exist because IF the daughters exist and IF the daughters are hot, I'll probably end up masturbating to them
so it's better not to check
sounds like too much work
nothing worth doing is every easy
Did you make sure to fill Cracky up today?
did you FEEL HER up!
Soy face actually looks friendly and kinda cuteI know everyone makes loads of fun out of "nu-males" and use the Oriental condiment against them, but can we talk about how soy face actually makes men seem less threatening and not after sex, but a laugh and good time.
I've been having sex with this duck lately. Her asshole is super tight and that's good because my pp is small
>>28472pics or it didn't happen
I love you Cracky you're the best girl ever! I LOVE you so much I want to hold you and squeeze you! pls be mine forever <333
>>28475pic unrelated
click the link
chicken caesar wraps
2025 DAY 36 (2024 DAY 402 / 2023 DAY 767 / 2022 DAY 1132 / 2021 DAY 1497 / 2020 DAY 1863)
the bad Crackies stay, the good Crackies go
>>28481 I want to nail this girl so hard
Every guy in the store wants to bang her
>>28485 which one?
the Rothschilds are manipulating the blueberry market in order to control prices and enrich themselves
Google "blueberry inflation" to learn the truth
O cracky where art thou
SHE'S on fire!
I got that Cracky in me
2025 DAY 37 (2024 DAY 403 / 2023 DAY 768 / 2022 DAY 1133 / 2021 DAY 1498 / 2020 DAY 1864)
Cracky in her bunker
hiding from you
she's drinking again
Cracky, put down the bottle!
Stop a Cracky
When she's home from school I'm usually lubed up already and I'm like hop on it and she's like ugh I'm tired and hungru can't I eat something and I'm like hop right on it already you little slut.
>>28500what about first thing when you get in bed does she hop RIGHT on it too!?
does she get DOWN on it?
does she hawk tua spit on that thang?
Somethings eating out my man mussy now butt it's so dark in here I don't even know if it's a NIGGER or not
liberals can't explain this
that girl is going to spit on that thing again
so the anti-Gamergate movement was actually just a massive USAID psyop?
>>28481perfect little roastie
>>28487 pee king duck
2025 DAY 38 (2024 DAY 404 / 2023 DAY 769 / 2022 DAY 1134 / 2021 DAY 1499 / 2020 DAY 1865)
I love Cracky and Israel SO MUCH
post a comment in this webzone if you love Cracky and Israel SO MUCH
I love CRACKY and Israel THIS<================================================================>MUCH
they're talking about "BIG BALLS" on the news
"BIG BALLS" has root access on the mainframe
is this good or bad???
"BIG BALLS" is he friend or foe?
i like black pepper
I had two ice-cream sandwiches today
There's an image of her doing duckface
"pee king duckface"
I'm going to shart on your "pee king duckface"
>>28521 everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about, think about how your words can affect people
"She was too big for me, and I'll sleep with anything"
Life is but, a mere supply of a few good fucks, then you die
if you do not fuck you will not die
what if she looks like this now
it's funny because no one knows what she looks like now
>>28531 I know of a few people who do but none of them will tell me (selfish)
what did ye mean by this?
why does crackyverse legend Robert "Suede" M follow Kanye "Ye" West on Twitter subsequently known as X?
post a comment in this webzone if you say Jew as much as you want
post a comment in this webzone if you say Hitler as much as you want
I never want to say Jew or Hitler but I appreciate having the freedom to say them should I ever feel like it
I want to kiss her on the butt lol
>>28537 uhhhh
Happy now CRACKY?
This is myself now when you're gone.
2025 DAY 39 (2024 DAY 405 / 2023 DAY 770 / 2022 DAY 1135 / 2021 DAY 1500 / 2020 DAY 1866)
>>28540 is this a this is what the refrance?
>>28531she look like a man
but dude looks like a lady
she's a natzi
2025 DAY 40 (2024 DAY 406 / 2023 DAY 771 / 2022 DAY 1136 / 2021 DAY 1501 / 2020 DAY 1867)
Olivianda Jones and the ________
post a comment in this webzone if you know the answer
Olivianda Jones and the NIGGERS
cracky come sit on my face i need that copium
her butt my face!
someone out there has to read my messages fuck you
If there was an ANIMORPHs with her, what would she morph into
>and the Detachable Dildo of Doom
How can I reach Ye's level of clarity?
>>28552this but unironically
Banks wants to empty the banks, fill our streets with banks, and run a bank-making operation of of his banks
I want my house to be a bank
Remember Cracky? This is her now.
>>28557I bank at Pete's Fish & Chips.
The only Superb Owl worth watching.
hideous mutt
hideo muttjima
me down bottom, cracky top
kojima wants to be a hollywood elite so bad but they won't let him
>>28563 if he looked up he could probably see her underwear what did he mean by this
It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
>>28566not fucking clicking that
2025 DAY 41 (2024 DAY 407 / 2023 DAY 772 / 2022 DAY 1137 / 2021 DAY 1502 / 2020 DAY 1868)
this is a metaphor for CRACKY, it's not my fault if you don't understand it
maybe try thinking about it for a while with your brain
they got him
he flew too close to the sun
not clicking
>>28572 newfag doesn't know how to 7 proxies
if you reflect your UDP off of the Dark Web, the NSA can't use netstat to fragment your cookies
Dats my tiddy gimme dat tiddy I wanna suck dat tiddie
2025 DAY 42 (2024 DAY 408 / 2023 DAY 773 / 2022 DAY 1138 / 2021 DAY 1503 / 2020 DAY 1869)
every time you go awayyou take a piece of meat with you
i wish i could suck on her tits
I would like to suck on her tits please!
crackys butt in my face farting
>>28583this is all i think about
>crackys butt in my face farting
Yes, we noticed... that you didn't capitalize Cracky or use an apostrophe to denote it was her butt and thus it could be any old random crackybutt on the street and that is just wrong.
Please don't leave your crackybutts on the street, give a hoot, don't pollute.
This message is brought to you by the Oxford Waste Logistics Squad.
I want her butt in my face farting
2025 DAY 43 (2024 DAY 409 / 2023 DAY 774 / 2022 DAY 1139 / 2021 DAY 1504 / 2020 DAY 1870)
Islam is right about Cracky
Ye is right about cracky
I love Disney
>pees in your butt
She lives in eternal autumn
Hmm. R u referring to the company or the individual who fucked with cactuses and wore a moustache?
2025 DAY 44 (2024 DAY 410 / 2023 DAY 775 / 2022 DAY 1140 / 2021 DAY 1505 / 2020 DAY 1871)
just heard about this, WTF Cracky?!
>>28594>>28594THE BRAND
I can think of one specific Rothschild I'd like to "enter" if you know what and who I mean
>got millions more people killed
I don't see the problem here.
would you be okay with yourself being killed????
>>28599I'm not fighting the war idiot
And yes, I'd be okay with dying in a war I'm fighting why not.
Go into war expecting death
2025 DAY 45 (2024 DAY 411 / 2023 DAY 776 / 2022 DAY 1141 / 2021 DAY 1506 / 2020 DAY 1872)
this is a metal fork for CRACKY
this is a metaphor for that Roths girl or whatever
>>28610 this is illegal in Canada
Blame Canada
2025 DAY 46 (2024 DAY 412 / 2023 DAY 777 / 2022 DAY 1142 / 2021 DAY 1507 / 2020 DAY 1873)
the bones are their money
>>28614that's my momma!
Cracky and Me
Help me stop touching myself at night
>>28617 I can touch you at night if that would help
how many liberals does it take to change a lightbulb
zero, they're too busy changing their gender
>>28610That's mai waifu.
She belongs in the waifu thread
Ez. Touch yourself at day, sleep at night.
Me, CRACKY and Bubba
>>28616You do know they're not really in space or even in orbit? The hairspray is a huge giveaway, also the greenscreen fails and harness fails.
yeah we know.
>>28625these are great
>>28624that's why they make the big bucks
I'm shidding I'm farding I can't get up
Cracky's 12 years old, in two more, she'll be a whoreNobody ever told her it's the wrong way
>>28630Cracky's 12 years old
I see math isn't your strong suit.
Here's your "girl". Happy belated Valentines day.
nnooo cracky i don't want to touch myself tonight stop making me coom every night
CRACKY stop moving my hand in a jerking motion over my naked erect penis
OUCH you're draining my balls!
2025 DAY 47 (2024 DAY 413 / 2023 DAY 778 / 2022 DAY 1143 / 2021 DAY 1508 / 2020 DAY 1874)
do you understand, it's not Cracky but it's LIKE Cracky, do you understand?
I don't understand
Reach out and touch grass
2025 DAY 48 (2024 DAY 414 / 2023 DAY 779 / 2022 DAY 1144 / 2021 DAY 1509 / 2020 DAY 1875)
on my way to travel back in time to kill baby Cracky with holy water (it is fatal to Jews)
how come that other anon gets to spam Cold Pizza all the time
>>28647 and we can't even say ######
it's just not fair
we can't even say L#st#r#ne
this is a meta four for CRACKY
>>28646IDK how many times I've got to tell you, Cracky is not a jew, because her mother is not a jew, therefore she is not jewish. Jewish identity is matrilineal. It doesn't matter how evilly Roff her father is.
>tfw you see a naked cracky
she's doing her best!
Watch this Zoomers!
olivia "flip a plane" fields
I have bottles of detergent around the room except they aren't detergent there's pee inside and that's what I use to do my laundry
>>28671this is what they took from you
dead CRACKER storage
List erine
why can't we say "l i s t e"?
2025 DAY 49 (2024 DAY 415 / 2023 DAY 780 / 2022 DAY 1145 / 2021 DAY 1510 / 2020 DAY 1876)
I want her to "cracky" my skull open if you know what I mean
smack my bitch up
why won't Cracky admit that gamergate was correct? is she stupid?
CRACKY loves eating my shit can you say the same, exile?
CRACKY enjoys eating my shit can you believe it!
2025 DAY 50 (2024 DAY 416 / 2023 DAY 781 / 2022 DAY 1146 / 2021 DAY 1511 / 2020 DAY 1877)
I found this on Google Images
what does it mean?
post a zone
What Happens if I put pp in CRACKY's pp?
i admit, cranky had a great body, but her face was always average with bad skini can only imagine she looks terrible now, as do the majority of people these days, young and old
also can someone provide a full cricky filename list so i can run a search/move operation on the files recovered from my damaged hard drive
bearenstsain bears
Cracky's fuck and suck
>pp in Cracky's pp?
Nigger, are you insane?
My AI algo, very reliable,reveals that 87.9 % of posters are niggers.
100 mufuggen % of the girls in the Waifu thread are white???
How CRITICAL is the nigger's lust for white girls really???
Subsequently Jeff's
t-t-they are c-called f-femboys Aunt Marie
Have you seen the news about Ukraine, it's like can't we all just get along
with jewkrainians, you lose
2025 DAY 51 (2024 DAY 417 / 2023 DAY 782 / 2022 DAY 1147 / 2021 DAY 1512 / 2020 DAY 1878)
idea: "Vladimir Kraken"
don't like it? I'll admit it's not "pee king duck" level but at least I shot my shot
Two men can have a baby: that's the solution
does the baby come out of one of the buttholes
(to the tune of "Smoke On The Water")
butt butt holebutt butt BUTT holebutt butt HOLEbutt hole
2025 DAY 52 (2024 DAY 418 / 2023 DAY 783 / 2022 DAY 1148 / 2021 DAY 1513 / 2020 DAY 1879)
do you every wonder if she's cycling right now
>when you can't tell the difference between on her cycle or not
umm excuse you, some of us no longer have a sense of smell due to Long COVID
this is a metaphor for CRACKY
if we love her enough will she give us our foreskins back?
I know some asshole is going to lie and claim to be uncircumcised to try to put himself above the rest of us
you know the rules, timestamped pic or GTFO
i gooned 2 here last night lol
>>28721 are you a jew, mudslime, nigger? europeans don't mutilate their [children's] bodies
>>28724 timestamped pic or STFU
fap to this
>>28729 Kimi?
gnite cracky you fucker
2025 DAY 53 (2024 DAY 419 / 2023 DAY 784 / 2022 DAY 1149 / 2021 DAY 1514 / 2020 DAY 1880)
one of the crackyboards used to have header or title text saying something like "why still here"
but that's the wrong question
turn it around
why NOT still here
i hate makeup so much
watch cracky forever
do you know how hard I laughed HSAHAHAHAHAAH bro
News just came in my expensive aifphone from Oxford...News just came in...
Blockbuster still existsIs that a......yesLadies and Gentletrannies:
Blockbuster still exists!
And now over to Jeff for the weather.
2025 DAY 54 (2024 DAY 420 / 2023 DAY 785 / 2022 DAY 1150 / 2021 DAY 1515 / 2020 DAY 1881)
Blockblister Coward Road
Where is dis?
I ate Chinese and have two fortunes because I had two cookies. fortune#1: A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't. (hmm could be sex?)fortune#2: Your present plans will be successful.
It's rainy I want some leftover Chinese now and there's a third fortune cookie!
2025 DAY 55 (2024 DAY 421 / 2023 DAY 786 / 2022 DAY 1151 / 2021 DAY 1516 / 2020 DAY 1882)
imagine a business named "Cockbuster Cowley Road" where men go to have Cracky kick them in the crotch
that's cool lol
>>28744this would be cool
in a hypothetical situation imagine I die and they're auctioning off my estate or whatever and all the items have cum on them like every single piece of item has cum on it somewhere
slash me autos you
Why are Europeans so gay? Why do they like sucking dick so much?
>>28749because they have a long history of being buttfucked
It loterally happdned.Felt cute so I cut off my cat's Dick lol and ground it dosn into chocolate.Turened out to be the best choxolate ever tZted lol.My chemicalist (grandma) found a way to replicate thr taste artificially without having to circumzise more Cats.Now I'm making bank and don't ever have to work again in my life. Suck it!
>mfw cracky-chan is gone and my life withers
>they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand
2025 DAY 56 (2024 DAY 422 / 2023 DAY 787 / 2022 DAY 1152 / 2021 DAY 1517 / 2020 DAY 1883)
metaphor for CRACKY
>if you only knew how bad things really are
COCKBUSTER Cowley Rd is an empty parking where you go to get kicked in the balls
>"COCKBUSTER Cowley Road."
Busting cocks Cowley Road
she's the angriest blockbuster employee you ever heard
and the cutest and sweetest!
i WANT her to put the final bullet in me
she should have to put me down like an old dog
I call her big tits
2025 DAY 57 (2024 DAY 423 / 2023 DAY 788 / 2022 DAY 1153 / 2021 DAY 1518 / 2020 DAY 1884)
this is relevant to CRACKY but it might be a bit beyond your understanding (sorry)
Ok I decided something needed to be done about Cracky's laziness so I called BLOCKBLISTER Cowley road. The building is still there right. Maybe there's som squatter/bum there who can answer some old phone. I'll call again later.
>>28787 I called it once and nobody answered
good luck
Michelle Trachtenberg is dead
Michelle Vaxxedenberg???
does Scotty know
bogged jewabsolutely nothing of value lostmuch gained from one less jew
>>28786 this faggot will be murdered by his beloved "migrants" soon enough
I masturbated to this photograph many years ago and now she is did
I feel like it's my fault
not did
I once masturbated to this photograph of a person who is now dead
I don't know how to feel about this
if you live long enough everyone you've ever masturbated to will eventually be dead
Everything is terrible
cum in her eyehole
>Michelle Trachtenberg is dead
Never saw her in anything, desu.Where do I start with her?Also fuck all chronology btw, throw her Magnum opus at me at once.
>>28808 Eurotrip
anon is like Scotty, in that "he does not know"
I would've been so happy with a wife like Michelle Trachtenberg
2025 DAY 58 (2024 DAY 424 / 2023 DAY 789 / 2022 DAY 1154 / 2021 DAY 1519 / 2020 DAY 1885)
me when I see CRACKY
I think I might have had sex with Michelle Trachtenberg's ghost last night. My body hurts all over I feel like I've been hit by a bus.
I'M COMING for that pussy, CRACKY AND hells coming with me!
2025 DAY 59 (2024 DAY 425 / 2023 DAY 790 / 2022 DAY 1155 / 2021 DAY 1520 / 2020 DAY 1886)
Day 1886 of my special 3-day operation
My cock smells like piss now but I don't remember pissing myself. I wonder what CRACKY'S smells like?
c walk dance = the 'C' is for Cracky
>Kimi, Jeff and Camel
right b4 legendary Kimi & Camel hotel makeout sesh, Jeff & I watched that happen, him live in person, me over IRC.
He said, "I want to murder them soooo bad right now." while the sultry pair writhed on the bed behind him in the background of the camera view.
I said, "I'd like their bodies after you're done with them, you know, for science.
He chuckled, "Yeah, after."
True story
>>28818 Shake your bum!!!
>she was never real
The magic was you
>me omw to StarCrack's to get some CrackuChino to get my "CRACKY CRACKY CRACKY!!!" on.
2025 DAY 60 (2024 DAY 426 / 2023 DAY 791 / 2022 DAY 1156 / 2021 DAY 1521 / 2020 DAY 1887)
>I got that reslovakia
Dork Bater says end the globohomo
AI generate her giving birth
YuyuyyGrol cockHuhYoun lost But tryyyyyy
And later: Kabbalah
2025 DAY 61 (2024 DAY 427 / 2023 DAY 792 / 2022 DAY 1157 / 2021 DAY 1522 / 2020 DAY 1888)
how can she redeem?
The amount of duck ass I've drilled today is I N S AN E.
I need a rest so fucking bad now /chess/.
My balls are completely empty.
Wow. You can now fuck CRACKY for as low as ₽6 721,55/mo
2025 DAY 62 (2024 DAY 428 / 2023 DAY 793 / 2022 DAY 1158 / 2021 DAY 1523 / 2020 DAY 1889)
Cracky's body is fun to fuck but that big black nigger cock of hers is so distracting. She should do something about it. It's quite nasty tbh.
>>28837 have you ever even seen a black penis IRL (probably not)
>>28836Reynolds much?
No TL;DR sartorially sardonic editorial hit piece on The Queen's fashion sense or any sense at all, barely a blurb and an equally vapid image, it's not a meta4, ffs it's not even a meta2.
I've never seen a black penis, I don't consume penis-containing media
Ehh.. told you. I've seen Cracky's.
>>28840Not even Cracky's? Do you even consume cracky media?
2025 DAY 63 (2024 DAY 429 / 2023 DAY 794 / 2022 DAY 1159 / 2021 DAY 1524 / 2020 DAY 1890)
Cracky (left) / 4chan (right)
this is a very topical refrance; if you haven't been following the news you might not get this one but that's fine
and his name is John Cena
remember the Fauci bird
squawk, numbers going up?
>Like, even if you are anti-vax, how is this funny? He just keeps screaming the same shit over and over. Nothing is witty or involved. It's just screaming
a retarded man screaming and pretending to be a talking bird is always funny, it just is
shame on you who said that the retarded squawking man wasn't funny
that's ableist
Out in the West Texas town of El PasoI fell in love with a Mexican Cracky
are you watching TV right now
I knew he felt that way but I can't believe he actually said it
you might think I paused to get an ugly screenshot but no I just hit printscreen at a random moment and that was what it was
I can't believe he promised to annex Guernsey by force, I'm literally shaking and crying right now
2025 DAY 64 (2024 DAY 430 / 2023 DAY 795 / 2022 DAY 1160 / 2021 DAY 1525 / 2020 DAY 1891)
when Cracky is gone
nipples are gone and my life withers
>>28849especially if he sounds like Gilbert Gottfried when he does it.
If you don't stop talking SHIT I will start filming poop coming out of my jeet neighbour'rs brown shitting hole
>>28858 you should click on the number of the post you're responding to so the relevant person will know who you're talking to & thus be able to take corrective action
or is this more of a general request to everyone?
these are vaginer fingering hands now
Why is this allowed for CRAVKY but not for other girls? Is it because she's a jew?
>>28839WHO TF IS THAT?!?
>>28864 did you mean the others or did you not recognize Cracky?
>>28865She became MORE chinese with age??
>>28863 LUNA NO!!!!!!
2025 DAY 65 (2024 DAY 431 / 2023 DAY 796 / 2022 DAY 1161 / 2021 DAY 1526 / 2020 DAY 1892)
Adam and Eve received the "knowledge of good and evil", right? So what they did right after is probably really important information for us to know, yes? They probably weren't like "oh hmm I think I shall do something evil for no reason." It makes more sense that they would do something good, or at least stop doing evil. Imagine it, you suddenly have perfect knowledge of good and evil, meaning you're suddenly aware of all the evil things you've already done and all the good things you SHOULD be doing. So your immediate goal is to change your behavior in the fastest and most effective manner to minimize evil and/or maximize good. Today we have some knowledge of good and evil but not the perfect knowledge they had in that moment because we've been educated stupid by society and time. So we have to look at what they did in that moment in order to learn from it. And what they did first, before anything else, was cover their naked bodies. Very first thing, MOST IMPORTANT thing, cover the jiggly bits. Now of course religion is bullshit but I feel like we have this story for a reason like it's a metaphor we're meant to learn from. And I think maybe what we're supposed to learn is that nudity is evil?
Cracky relevance: we've seen a lot of her body but not all of it. This implies that she's rather filthy and debased but still has an uncorrupted core of virtue.
thought I've been pondering: "virtue is an unseen pussy?"
but if you see it, it becomes corrupt, vile, and sinful?
makes me think of this
the Roths girl is gone and my life withers
amazing times we are living in
that's not a stab at Michaelthat's just a meataphorI'm just psycho
2025 DAY 66 (2024 DAY 432 / 2023 DAY 797 / 2022 DAY 1162 / 2021 DAY 1527 / 2020 DAY 1893)
she craves that mineral
>>28875 AUUUUGAA! HONKA HONKA! Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out accompanied by trumpets AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops, tongue rolls out, WOOF WOOF WOOF, heart beats out of chest, AWOOGA AWOOGA sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair, I take out a boxing glove and hit myself with it 17 times. Turns to the audience and say in 1930’s New York accent “HOT MAMA, now that’s a dame!”
>>28876hello nurse
>>28876Proceeds opening loo lid and bob and the vagan, redeeming the google play card and tounging the asshole of a big saar
imagine you're cracky and having an episode when appears the cheshire cat talking in metaphors and haikus ...... and you're like half naked with minstrel blood on you and wings taking pictures of yourself eating milk jelly in the dark
machadaynu abadaynu, machadaynu daynu daynu,
CRACKHY squirted where I like to sit on the floor what am I supposed to do now?
Little Cracky starts asking this. How do you respond?
it's not real hunny and you don't have to worry about any of that
Day 2 of Cracky squirting on the floor in my sitting spot
day 2 since the incident I should clarify they aren't doing it again in a row
mommy what is a violent habitual chronic masturbator?
2025 DAY 67 (2024 DAY 433 / 2023 DAY 798 / 2022 DAY 1163 / 2021 DAY 1528 / 2020 DAY 1894)
>minstrel blood
did she kill a musician?
did she kill a white person in blackface?
Me, Jeff and CRACKY
>>28888 quads
2025 DAY 68 (2024 DAY 434 / 2023 DAY 799 / 2022 DAY 1164 / 2021 DAY 1529 / 2020 DAY 1895)
Catholic Cracky be like
"This cup is the new Testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drinke it, in remembrance of me."~1Cor 11:25 (KJV)
"Drink up, faggot."~1Cor 11:25 (New Living 4chan Version)
What do you even have to drink to get a face this bloated and fat?
Is it like 20 White Russians a day with extra cream?
aren't all Russians white?
every russian is white
2025 DAY 69 (2024 DAY 435 / 2023 DAY 800 / 2022 DAY 1165 / 2021 DAY 1530 / 2020 DAY 1896)
Eminem's daughter is pregnant
how would CRACKY feel about this?
I feel like it's something she would have an opinion on, probably
No, most are mongrel mystery meat. Kostly mongol and other ape.
is this where you fill find the whitest people?
like you climb to the top of the mountain and there you meet The King Of All Whites?
Holy fuck I love being white. I'm so happy that /cracky/ is a white board.
SHE is The Love ChargerSHE is The Love ChargerI am so Lucky BecauseSHE is my Love Charger
my steam friend is an asshole I was dying and asked him to say something nice and they said no
BUT everyoone loves him he's so fucking cool and i'm such a dumbass loser
let's talk more about Olivia and how she hates monkey island what's up with that
did she hate it on purpose?
her gamespot account!!!
I want to know if she stopped playing bideo games and how weird tht wlud be
2025 DAY 70 (2024 DAY 436 / 2023 DAY 801 / 2022 DAY 1166 / 2021 DAY 1531 / 2020 DAY 1897)
first they take your foreskin
then they take your tonsils
then they take your wisdom teeth
maybe they even take your appendix
what are they doing with all this stuff
she's gone
80% of Spanish girls lose their virginity to their uncle at age 9.
Why can't we have this tradition everywhere :(?
CRACKY: "Everything I know about sex, I learned from a manual"
ME: "what manual"
CRACKY: "no, Emmanuel was my uncle's name"
Total Russian Death
I support it
I would kill every Russian if I could
that makes you no better than they are
crazy yjjokjjjhjolj
>>28932 yes it does but I'm only killing Russians while they're killing real people
I can't stop thinking about pounding her vagoo
2025 DAY 71 (2024 DAY 437 / 2023 DAY 802 / 2022 DAY 1167 / 2021 DAY 1532 / 2020 DAY 1898)
does this make you think of her?
why or why not?
I feel like I might have posted this before
but I'm not sure
everything makes me think of her
i wish she'd kick me in the face no socks on
2025 DAY 72 (2024 DAY 438 / 2023 DAY 803 / 2022 DAY 1168 / 2021 DAY 1533 / 2020 DAY 1899)
do you feel this would be an appropriate punishment for Cracky, for all the things she's done?
or would it be too harsh?
OR not harsh enough?
post a comment in this webzone if you think it would be too harsh, not harsh enough, or just right (don't just post a comment saying "hello" be sure to also say what you believe)
Upper section: Cracky, Kimi, Marina and JeffLower section: Cracky, Kimi, Marina and me
this fucken reminds me of her
2025 DAY 73 (2024 DAY 439 / 2023 DAY 804 / 2022 DAY 1169 / 2021 DAY 1534 / 2020 DAY 1900)
this is a metaphor
>but that's wrong
>shouldn't the cat be in the sky
bitch shut up
you don't get it
take your perspective and flip it turnways
Its Pi Day CRACKY is sweet she is CUTE and SWEET 3.14!
Now imagine it's WW2 and the United States has just dropped two nukes on Japan at the end of the war when Hitler was already finished.
>at the end of the war
"why do firemen spray water at the end of a fire?!?!?!"
a montage of me working out and training but its sex with CRACKY
Cracky is evil but also sexy and sweet that's why she's so dangerous (esp little kids)
2025 DAY 74 (2024 DAY 440 / 2023 DAY 805 / 2022 DAY 1170 / 2021 DAY 1535 / 2020 DAY 1901)
I thought today should be Friday but it's apparently actually Saturday
this is a bit concerning
this is what she looks like now, probably
it's not an actual photograph "per se", but it's an advanced computer simulation of what she looks like now, probably
This is how holes should look!
god my farts stink P U !!!!!!
Well well. So Zion Don now proved himself unwilling and utterly useless in stopping [pic rel].
Is CRACKY strong and willing enough to do it? Or is she evil and utterly useless too? (I think we all sort of know the snswer already)
2025 DAY 75 (2024 DAY 441 / 2023 DAY 806 / 2022 DAY 1171 / 2021 DAY 1536 / 2020 DAY 1902)
(this is what the refrance)
Yeah, uh-huh, you know what it isMe and cracky, Me and cracky, Me and cracky, Me and cracky
14yo virgin cracky is THE best cracky.
You cannot refute this simple FAC
>ywn do it with 14yo virgin cracky
why even live
Life is like a mixed bag.
2025 DAY 76 (2024 DAY 442 / 2023 DAY 807 / 2022 DAY 1172 / 2021 DAY 1537 / 2020 DAY 1903)
could you survive 10 years in the Cracky Chamber?
could you even survive 10 DAYS?
can you imagine being alone for three whole years no contact with society or any kind of meaningful relationships not even sEX!
three years without cracky
theseappear to be energy resources
I love tits I want to hold a nice pair of boobs
2025 DAY 77 (2024 DAY 443 / 2023 DAY 808 / 2022 DAY 1173 / 2021 DAY 1538 / 2020 DAY 1904)
my face when Cracky etc
sup nigga... you wanna talk some shit?
this could be a hint where she is
2025 DAY 78 (2024 DAY 444 / 2023 DAY 809 / 2022 DAY 1174 / 2021 DAY 1539 / 2020 DAY 1905)
bus to Cracky School
I heard rumors that cracku is frlm thd flknstones ujiverse
>The Catacombs of Paris are underground ossuaries in Paris, France, which hold the remains of more than six million people.>six million people
yeah, I'm going to call bullshit on that.
>>28984 we participated in a genocide, Barney
I failed to orgasm while masturbating this morning
eventually gave up and tried again around noon but once again failed to orgasm
tried for a 3rd time late afternoon and eventually succeeded at orgasm
should this be concerning?
>should this be concerning?
Yes, it's not normal to masturbate.
Are you flin or flint? This is one of the swifter Mandelas.
Cracky can't eat scones. She's GLUTEN.
You eat too much plastic, bro. Have you tried listening to, (plus eating), METAL?
Hi fuckheads!
I study at the Mongo/Spazz University. When I study for exams, I spend time in various libraries.
About 5 months ago I was studying. I noticed a smartly dressed old woman who was fit and slim. She was probably between 80-85 years old something like that. I noticed that she moved swiftly and seemed to be in extremely good health. She also felt very elegant but that was just a feeling I got.
The more I observed this old woman, the more irritated I became. I finally got the feeling that I wanted to punch her in the head and knock the old woman to the ground. Please note: the feeling, not that I was actually considering doing it.
Where did this feeling come from? Why did I want to crack her head open? Why did it bother me so much?
I am actually a person who is healthy and takes good care of myself so she is actually a role model in some way. I don't think it depends on her gender either. The reason is that I was prior annoyed by an old man in another context which gave me a similar feeling. What is the root of it?
2025 DAY 79 (2024 DAY 445 / 2023 DAY 810 / 2022 DAY 1175 / 2021 DAY 1540 / 2020 DAY 1906)
perhaps Cracky is under there
cracky isn't anywhere she's nowhere even
maybe cracky voted for biden
>>28995 under where???
I want to make her retarded with my farts
2025 DAY 80 (2024 DAY 446 / 2023 DAY 811 / 2022 DAY 1176 / 2021 DAY 1541 / 2020 DAY 1907)
for you see, I tricked you into saying "underwear"
>plays and reviews a bunch of games in 2006>doesn't elaborate
what did she mean by this? Also, I LOVE YOU SCARECROWMAIDEN
Hng... just looking at that list of games makes me so horny for her
2025 DAY 81 (2024 DAY 447 / 2023 DAY 812 / 2022 DAY 1177 / 2021 DAY 1542 / 2020 DAY 1908)
perhaps this is how her sexual development got so messed up
Why are all the best fuckers, biologically speaking, always named Larry?
I'm still sad about Michelle Trachtenberg being dead
>>29015 that show was loaded with jews
Is Camel a Jewess. .
is elon musk a jew?
There is no spoon.
2025 DAY 82 (2024 DAY 448 / 2023 DAY 813 / 2022 DAY 1178 / 2021 DAY 1543 / 2020 DAY 1909)
this made me think about her
He's an African-American i.e. a NIGGER.
Let's talk about Camel.
Her breasts are Jewish, no?
>>29020 >>29024 Camel is full-blooded Azeri
>>29018 are you implying there's something wrong with being Jewish or are you just stating random factoids?
Azeris are not Jews FYI, they have nothing to do with Jews
what's an Azeri is that like a gypsy or somethin
>>29028 it's like half Muslim and half Russian
I'll never forgive that adorable girl
Cracky is now thd priestess of a fresh flerf-sex cult in NYC.
If your boobs are too big you get banned because it rdminds them of a globe Earth.
They sacrifice people too, but mostly bums at the moment, so the cops and politicians secretly love them.
Cracky can go wherever she wants and do whatever she wants to do
>>29032 have you read thread 1337396629 in archive?
2025 DAY 83 (2024 DAY 449 / 2023 DAY 814 / 2022 DAY 1179 / 2021 DAY 1544 / 2020 DAY 1910)
could this be her???
>>29035"This is fine."
"look what my grandma did"
Gettin cracky wit itNa na na na na na na nanaNa na na na nanaGettin cracky wit it
2025 DAY 84 (2024 DAY 450 / 2023 DAY 815 / 2022 DAY 1180 / 2021 DAY 1545 / 2020 DAY 1911)
when bad things happen to us, this is how she feels
saying a prayer God cuts down my enemies and I don't have to lift a finger
2025 DAY 85 (2024 DAY 451 / 2023 DAY 816 / 2022 DAY 1181 / 2021 DAY 1546 / 2020 DAY 1912)
I got some chocolates with fortune-like things on them
I got 30 total fortunes broken down as follows, showing the number of copies of each fortune, in descending order:
4: Meet yourself where you're at4: Don't be afraid to start a new chapter3: Treat yourself to something sweet3: Don't let anyone dim your light2: Inhale the good, exhale the bad2: Honor your dreams and they will honor you2: Every challenge is just a new change2: Don't forget to enjoy the little things1: Your energy is expensive! Spend it wisely1: You're never too late to begin your journey1: Write your own fairytale, and be your own hero1: Put the positive vibes out there1: One small step can lead to something big1: Look how far you've come1: Chocolate now... stress later1: All progress is worth celebrating
Homework: it's likely that there were other fortunes I didn't receive. based on the distributions of fortunes I did receive, how would you attempt to estimate the total size of the fortune pool?
"I ate some chocolates give me attention!"
2025 DAY 86 (2024 DAY 452 / 2023 DAY 817 / 2022 DAY 1182 / 2021 DAY 1547 / 2020 DAY 1913)
>>29043 I didn't say I ate the chocolates, I said I had them, do you eat everything you own? Do you eat your love for CRACKY?
"I had some chocolates give me attention!"