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I love cracky but i have no stalking skillz.Post some rares please.
thats sub chan not cracky
no, really?
you can never tell now-a-days
>>675 you can never tell what?
>>681 Idk but I can never tell if its crabs, lice or just my straight up stank that causes my itchyness.
>>683crabs are lice moran
>>685 My dear good sir thier is no need to be belligerent about this. I get my crabs from the oriental market....they are blue crabs. i stuff them down my pants as i like the way they tickle my balls... the only draw back is they do cause me scabs and this may or not be the cause of my genital itch.
nigger salt
God damn it I loved Sub-Chan so much.Probably one of my favorite camwhores of all time.
I really wish she would come back... ;_;
Do you think Cracky has ever said the N word? Hard "R" or not? Do you think she felt guilty afterwards?
>>2244do you think she got wet afterwards?
>>2244 i can guarantee she's both said it and never felt bad afterwards
Unacceptable. She won't get away with this.
We're not saying black lives don't matter, they just mattered more when they were property.
so what?
The VACcine doesn't work
>>10280 if the vaccine doesn't work then why are the pharma companies making so much money from it?! checkmate atheists
>>10281>>10281the same way companies can make a bunch of money off "anti-virus" software
The VAC-cine doesn't work if you disagree you're just a nigger
Valve Anti-Cheat?
is this what the refrance?
>>10284pmg yes
VAC-secured kek
>>1035699.99% NOT PORN
0.01% porn?
No more porn!
Post Cracky NFTs
>Cracky NFTs
Nearly Flat Tits?Not Freakin' Traps?Non Fascist Terfs?Nuclear Flamethrower Tanks?Non Flammable Tampons?Neurotic Freeflowing Text?Non Fappable Tangents?Non Freudian Theories?
Non-fuckable titties
no, more porn
post your non-fungible tokens so i can save them
>>10385Imagine defending a worthless fad item that you could easily make a digital copy of and make a token out of that's equally worthless, that would by definition make it FUNGIBLE.
>>10392Haha, no. Nobody cares about right clicking, not even alt-right clicking.
>alt-right clicking
don't you mean alt+right clicking?
don't you mean GNU+Linux?
Explain this;
>>10407 I have no explanation, sir
>>10407It's bottled period blood.Cracky blood pop.
This is what the resangria.
>>10533Cracky is so fucking hot