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No.1359 : Luminous #nigGersCiA [2020-08-17 20:05] [Report] 1597709151444.jpg (50287 B, 527x420) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
50287 B

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No.1363 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-10 08:57] [Report] 1599742657161.jpg (248913 B, 646x798) [YIS] [GIS] []
248913 B

The quantity and quality of Cracky-chan fanart versus Loli-chan fanart proves the superiority of Cracky.

No.1364 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-10 09:51] [Report] []

>>1363 idk the loli-chan art seems pretty accurate

No.1365 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-10 19:08] [Report] []

lolifags are indirect crackyfags because loli is a crackyfag

so basically you people are at the bottom of the shit pyramid

No.1366 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-10 19:34] [Report] []

The Cracky fandom is obviously superior.

  1. Look at the relative activity levels of the respective boards.
  2. Look at all the other Cracky sites that still exist. How many Loli sites still exist?
  3. cracky-chan.com = exists. loli-chan.com = does not exist.
  4. There are multiple Discord servers for Cracky. Loli, not so much.
  5. Cracky has an active YWOT, Loli does not.
  6. Look at all the Tumblr accounts dedicated to Cracky, and all the others that aren't dedicated but have regular Cracky content. Now look at Loli's Tumblr footprint. Oh wait there isn't one.
No.1371 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-18 08:42] [Report] 1600432937985.jpg (239567 B, 640x512) [YIS] [GIS] []


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