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So I saw your newtimes article, and it was nice.Local Miami artist here. Good luck with your art stuff.: )
bahahahaaha, this shit is hilarious:
I like how that article is full of 90% bullshit.
If the whore sent any nudes to a handful of pedophiles (likely) they didn't spread around. The retard is trying to make it sound like she was involved in a child pornography ring.
The best part is where she is forced to make a living by being a "sex worker." As if every single thing about her life isn't by her own hand.
Also my favourite quote: "Loli isn't a big drinker – and rarely imbibes anything with an alcohol content above 5 percent – but now she's uncharacteristically downing her third beverage in 15 minutes. She's doing it for courage." Oh fuck, I laughed hard at that. The stupid pig has been getting hammered and doing dope on cam for years.
>>667Yeh, plenty of self inflicted stuff. But I still like her art, it's neat, all bullshit aside.
>>666Nice trips.
Your art sucks. Quit trying to get attention.
>>My instruction to her was to put that ax into an attacker as fast as she can, as many times as she can, and as hard as possible."
What i actually said was "Hit them in the face with this as hard as you can and keep hitting them with it until they stop moving."
Also i don't collect Nazi Paraphernalia, i collect Communist Paraphernalia. The reporter figured "German" ="Nazi" and was too young to know what East Germany, the USSR and the Korean war were about.
>Also i don't collect Nazi Paraphernalia, i collect Communist Paraphernalia. The reporter figured "German" ="Nazi" and was too young to know what East Germany, the USSR and the Korean war were about.
Ha. Looks like the article is littered with errors. I spotted several myself. It would be nice to make a full list of them in this thread.
Email them and ask them to clarify. You should have also said "East German".
>>673even I got misquoted in it, and she has the Skype logs as reference. Shit journalism is shit, let's move on.
>It would be nice to make a full list of them in this thread.
1) Everything.
>>671her art don't suck!! she is a pretty good drawer i am jealous of and in fact you and your flappy pimple ridden butt suck!!
>>667only thing forced was when she she snapped and went ballistic and started forcing her boobs down her stalkers throats! i felt violated and stuff and had to go cry in a corner. loli is a monster its obvious by how much energy she has on cam. its just not natural
>>671My art does suck : )
Anyway, luv ya lolichan.One of my fav chans up there with dotchan and other delicious tender meaty morsels of juicy goodness. C ya.
>>683Dot has a thread on the /fg/ board.
Clarify then? I only half followed her and her story. What is true and what is false?
Does she owe 30,000 in medical bills?
>>674>>679Her writing style seems to be to add or change a single word every sentence to be as negative sounding as as possible. Pretty much every sentence has something wrong with it or contains a false assumption.
>The best part is where she is forced to make a living by being a "sex worker." As if every single thing about her life isn't by her own hand.
remember the part where it was suggested she become a game streamer, as there would probably be better money in it? and she's just all like "I have better things to do with my life".
Jezebel picks it up.
>news articles about news articles
>>689to bad we cant force her to release some new content now that se isnt some hot 13 year oldeverybody thught was the hottest thing around but nobody cared because she was 13and everbody was interested in her drawing skills and not her bobs even though she was the hottest thing around 13 years old or no. damn soetimes i really hate loli. she really really sucks most of the time.... i so hate her. fuck that hootie ass biatch!
oh wow, looks like the femenazis have adopted her... if it wouldn't shed so terrible a light onto the state of journalism 'culture' it would be comedy gold
i have faith that durlores will not fail us loyal followers and in time will corrupt the femenazis to the point that they will become chansluts and just shower us in magnificent boobs! durlores will then be so satisfied with her self that she will then release more epic sets
I disagree with the narrative that the media has on this. They seem to want to put most of the blame on her camming and her followers. This was a symptom not the cause. From what was revealed in the article her parents seem utter nutty loons. They are likely to blame for most of her problems.
papa no!
in case anyone's wondering, she goes by JezebelLeigh on mfc now.
>>701 i can guarantee her family as is normal as any other. if you hadn't noticed, everything she says is a lie and she's a massive hypocrite. she started camwhoring when she was 11 or some shit, she's no angel.