chansluts ♥ bringing the chans together ♥


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Support chansluts

No.10015 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-01 12:23] [Report] 1638379403873.png (6304908 B, 3395x1907) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
6304908 B
>when Cracky threatens to kill me

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10019 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-01 17:45] [Report] 1638398752044.png (2503336 B, 3387x1907) [YIS] [GIS] []
2503336 B

the Skyqueen's reaction when I tell her I need a place to pee

No.10020 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-01 18:49] [Report] []




No.10021 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-01 19:12] [Report] []

It's a mutha funkin' Cracky refrance

No.16340 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-10-01 10:36] [Report] 1664634962606.jpg (81887 B, 637x480) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.10342 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-17 16:26] [Report] 1639776404515.png (2698092 B, 1200x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2698092 B

you know it I know it everybody knows it

22 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10594 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-29 02:06] [Report] 1640761607230.jpg (40813 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
40813 B

She likes shy nerdy fat dudes with even fatter wallets.

So if you're poor, go get hit by a bus or something and get some dosh.

This is what the reshekelz.

No.16317 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-30 06:53] [Report] 1664535237952.jpg (105481 B, 539x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16329 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-30 18:44] [Report] []

i fap to this

No.16331 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-30 19:52] [Report] []

the babysitter

No.8794 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-08-25 20:35] [Report] 1629938124559.webm (1470228 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.8795 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-08-25 21:02] [Report] []

Gone in 20 Seconds

No.16299 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-29 07:16] [Report] 1664450198159.jpg (148057 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.14340 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-07-13 23:56] [Report] 1657771019764.png (373393 B, 566x566) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
373393 B


50 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.16242 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-25 13:28] [Report] []
No.16281 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-28 01:05] [Report] 1664341543978.webm (530693 B, 1000x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
530693 B

cracky down bottom

No.16293 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-29 02:23] [Report] 1664432630540.jpg (265030 B, 1600x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
265030 B

Just watching this game, I don't feel like it does much to help the player sound good at the trombone.

No.16294 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-29 02:38] [Report] []

addendum. this made boomers piss and shit themselves.

No.2999 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-06 14:35] [Report] 1599417322461.webm (4554449 B, 854x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
4554449 B

crackyfags killed the internet star

6 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.3361 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-24 14:50] [Report] 1600973404013.jpg (62338 B, 600x74) [YIS] [GIS] []
62338 B
>we can't rewind
>we've gone too far
No.3417 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-25 18:48] [Report] []

The lyrics of the song are actually pretty relevant.

No.3994 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-14 20:25] [Report] []

They took the credit for your second symphony
Rewritten by machine on new technology
And now I understand the problems you can see

No.16289 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-28 22:24] [Report] []

Cracky's a real bitch if she doesn't acknowledge this achievement

No.9744 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-11-10 23:16] [Report] 1636604188510.jpg (513624 B, 1708x2166) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
513624 B

All right, that's it. I have to get this off my chest. Earlier today, when I was waiting to use the private bathroom, I witnessed Cracky-chan's father performing oral on the mystery judge of the competition. I've been conflicted about whether to say anything, because I feel that Cracky-chan could win it, even without the oral. Her father DIDN'T NEED to do the oral. And that's why this is so tough for me to tell about the oral.

No.9745 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-11-11 08:23] [Report] []


No.9776 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-11-13 20:52] [Report] 1636854765201.jpg (280202 B, 996x797) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16267 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-27 09:55] [Report] 1664286950823.jpg (152296 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16280 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-28 00:21] [Report] []

mother mommy mama

No.9186 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-10-01 10:20] [Report] 1633098037825.jpg (7509 B, 308x163) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
7509 B

this is where her corpse is buried

11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.16259 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 21:16] [Report] []

imagine the smell

No.16260 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 21:28] [Report] 1664242114031.jpg (65657 B, 500x373) [YIS] [GIS] []
65657 B

I'm Only Sleeping

No.16261 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 22:25] [Report] []

"she is not here
she does not sleep"

No.16262 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-27 00:05] [Report] []

Shh! The Sky Queen is sleeping.

No.4400 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-11-02 11:52] [Report] 1604335928051.jpg (59275 B, 500x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
59275 B

Does Chansluts have a future or is it stuck in the past?

No WEBP image support.

No IPV6 support.

Is this a metaphor for how we all stubbornly refuse to move on from Cracky?

We cling to obsolete protocols, obsolete image formats, and most of all, an obsolete girl.

NOTICE: Cracky-chan is deprecated and may be deleted in a future reality update. No further features will be added to her nor will any of her many remaining bugs ever be fixed. Please update your workflows to ensure that you are not dependent on Cracky-chan or you may find yourself unable to function after she is removed from the universe.

50 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.16215 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-23 12:46] [Report] []

what was she doing here?

No.16217 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-23 13:52] [Report] []

what is she doing?

No.16218 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-23 15:11] [Report] []

wtf is she doing?

No.16258 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 19:07] [Report] []

she's doing her best

No.16199 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-22 06:07] [Report] 1663841257224.jpg (48593 B, 420x731) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48593 B

Cracky finds this boomer-style joke funny because she's drowning in money.

3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.16226 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-24 20:21] [Report] []

the lasagna jimbo

No.16227 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-24 21:06] [Report] []

he feeds his cat lasagna xD

No.16249 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 02:49] [Report] 1664174949722.webm (1676232 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
1676232 B

Cracky finds this gif genuinely inspiring because despite being 'white' she's for some reason more into rythmic music than melodic.

No.16257 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 19:07] [Report] []

>>16249 imagine the smell

No.10417 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-20 20:52] [Report] 1640051554012.png (828829 B, 749x672) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
828829 B

Cracky's desk

DISCLAIMER: this is a joke it's probably not actually hers but maybe it is I don't really know whose it is but it's somebody's (probably a woman)

No.10418 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-20 21:03] [Report] []

By saying it's Cracky's desk makes it important. Even if it isn't actually Cracky's desk it's nice to think so. She's so cute and sweet. I love being reminded of her.

No.10419 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-20 21:06] [Report] []

Just things aren't important but if they're Cracky's things THEY'RE very important

No.10445 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-12-22 12:36] [Report] 1640194568799.jpg (654792 B, 788x2200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16254 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 17:03] [Report] 1664226197427.jpg (98754 B, 382x435) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.10860 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-01-13 14:57] [Report] 1642103851891.jpg (26003 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
26003 B

Dearest Cracky-chan,

It's been a while since we last spoke, and I realize that there's quite a bit of catching up to do. I heard you're lurking .71 now. That's fantastic! It's actually a great place to meet people. Speaking of meeting people, I always thought you should "trade up" for somebody better. You should ditch the turk. Maybe try another slav? Though this time go with someone a little more Northern.

Despite your own penchant for trying to convince the Stalkers you don't like their creepy attention while at the same time shamelessly publicizing yourself, in a way you still owe me after last time. People were in danger of completely forgetting about you. In no small part due to my amazing work as your unofficial publicist, I managed to get the obsessionball rolling all over again. All the way back to Oxford, in fact. All the way to your mother's tiny, funky, very English side-by-side house. When your suicidegirls career takes off, you'll have ME to thank for the fact that all the insignificant internet plebs with more dollars than braincells are able to recognize you.

See? I'm still trying to be a helpful guy, even after you turned your back on me.

I think we have a bit of an understanding here, Lia. If this is going to follow the same give-take patterns of all your past relationships, you'll be happy to know that I'm more than willing to provide regardless of the circumstances. I know that it's only a matter of time until everybody finds out that jews did wtc, and when that happens all of your family's heathengold will run out. I'm talking real gold here, hun. The kind that lets you eat and stink and sit on the computer all day without a care in the world. Not that shit you farm in WoW.

Comment too long. Click here for full text.

30 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10903 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-01-14 07:27] [Report] 1642163253523.jpg (630267 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
630267 B

So this is what "making things happen" looks like in 2022?

So sad, many such cases.

No.10917 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-01-14 20:37] [Report] []

it wasn't me though

No.16252 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 16:54] [Report] []


No.16253 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-26 17:02] [Report] 1664226138145.gif (4022857 B, 498x280) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.8736 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-08-18 13:24] [Report] 1629307478990.jpg (136620 B, 612x953) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
136620 B

Do you think Olivia has a driver's loicense?

What about a TV loicense?

What about a pornography loicense?

What about a loicense to make toast in her own damn toaster?

No.8737 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-08-18 13:45] [Report] 1629308751050.jpg (46058 B, 592x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
46058 B

does she have a license to purchase eggs?

No.16197 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-21 23:25] [Report] 1663817158711.jpg (26153 B, 384x512) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16202 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-22 08:44] [Report] []

I feel for her ya' kno?
She's too fk'ing cute+sweet for her own good
IS she asking for it?
We have to protect her.

No.16203 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-22 08:50] [Report] []

i need her Linkdn tree including her twitter, instagram, tiktok, onlyfans among others. a link to her social meteos.

No.8231 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-06-26 12:02] [Report] 1624723351634.jpg (573732 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
573732 B

This is Cracky's current room. She lives here.

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.8244 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-06-27 00:14] [Report] []



No.8248 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-06-27 01:03] [Report] 1624770207794.webm (807468 B, 576x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16171 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-21 11:08] [Report] 1663772933178.jpg (9261 B, 159x131) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16182 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-21 15:20] [Report] 1663788026498.gif (1023427 B, 500x207) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.7345 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-04-20 22:23] [Report] 1618971780265.jpg (102121 B, 1024x759) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
102121 B

uh hi listen cracky i just want to make this quick i just need twenty seconds of your time and i'll never call again the simplest way to end all this is to content flood release new images make a public boring blog make your myspace public etc.. um that will get people over the illusions they suffer from and stuff uh kill the intrigue and mystery they will be sick of you destroy the allure

No.7346 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-04-20 22:23] [Report] 1618971828122.jpg (81660 B, 727x729) [YIS] [GIS] []
81660 B

uh hi listen cracky i just want to make this quick i just need twenty seconds of your time and i will never call again the simplest way to end all this is to content flood release new images make a public boring blog make your myspace public etcc.. ummm that will get people over the illusions they suffer from and stuff uh kill the intrigue and mystery they will be sick of you destory the allure

No.7602 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-05-04 00:57] [Report] []

no se Blockbusten ❤️

No.16172 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-21 11:09] [Report] 1663772995302.jpg (36299 B, 384x512) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.5963 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-02-17 01:26] [Report] 1613543215157.jpg (75825 B, 500x420) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
75825 B

[ ] cute
[ ] romantic
[ ] crazy

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.6031 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-02-18 22:13] [Report] []

I mean Cracky is kind of like Harambe if you think about it....

No.6040 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-02-19 12:35] [Report] []

They shot Cracky at a zoo?

Big if true.

No.16158 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-20 10:35] [Report] 1663684549891.jpg (126109 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.16159 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-20 10:55] [Report] []

Regular Show can't unsee

No.484 : Anonymous Stalker [09/04/05(Sun)22:02] [Report] 1238983372291.jpg (136942 B, 375x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
136942 B

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.772 : Anonymous [10/04/30(Fri)17:54] [Report] []


who are these?

No.773 : Anonymous [10/05/01(Sat)01:58] [Report] []

>>772 Idk.. but from the copious amounts of pleasure i am feeling i would guess cracky has somthing to do with it.

No.6081 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-02-20 11:01] [Report] []

not her...

No.16157 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-20 10:35] [Report] 1663684541629.jpg (60554 B, 321x322) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.16154 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-19 19:56] [Report] 1663631792130.jpg (165601 B, 1013x840) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
165601 B

Cracky down bottom

No.1673 : Anonymous Stalker [2019-12-23 05:53] [Report] 1577098392317.jpg (234764 B, 425x455) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
234764 B

Give me cracky

7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.16140 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-19 10:54] [Report] []

I want to give this girl my dick

No.16141 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-19 11:31] [Report] []

holy matrimony

No.16142 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-19 11:47] [Report] []

mommy's milkers'

No.16143 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-09-19 12:23] [Report] []

my dog is so sad right now he can't fuck Cracky


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