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Cracky, post your full address, phone number and social security number in this thread.I have a surprise for you.
13 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>7184Proof? Post her Only fans. Post anything. Post her in bean town wearing a Boston hat
no se masturben ❤️
What's the surprise?
Where is Cracky?
6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
a clear delineating moment in time
before and after, never the twain shall meet because the moment that divides them is infinite and unfathomable
before doesn't matter
after doesn't matter
all that matters is the moment
the moment when everything changes
the moment I destroy myself
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Suicide by SJW? Not a nice way to go, should try being mauled by a bear instead.
graphs and stuff
Corky, a tough female ex-convict working on an apartment renovation in a Chicago building, meets a couple living next door, Caesar, a paranoid mobster, and Violet, his seductive girlfriend, who is immediately attracted to her.
how could they have known?
Does anyone have that image of cracky pooping with "sup' bounceme" written across her butt cheeks?
5 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
are you blind? there is also a person on the image.
>>8320 proof?
all work and no cracky makes jack a dull boy - the shining(1980) for you Chinese audience
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The Crying Game (1992)
>>8102is her brother really a big dick trannie?
cracky is sus
CRACKY come out to play - The Warriors(1979)
Why is Cracky's father always snubbed? Why is his hard word never recognized?
I propose we nominate him for a Nobel Prize.
Several categories of people are eligible to nominate. Does anyone here fall into any of these categories?
>1. Members of the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm;>2. Swedish and foreign members of the Medicine and Biology classes of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences;>3. Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine and Chemistry;>4. Members of the Nobel Committee not qualified under paragraph 1 above;>5. Holders of established posts as full professors at the faculties of medicine in Sweden and holders of similar posts at the faculties of medicine or similar institutions in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway;>6. Holders of similar posts at no fewer than six other faculties of medicine at universities around the world, selected by the Nobel Assembly, with a view to ensuring the appropriate distribution of the task among various countries.>7. Scientists whom the Nobel Assembly may otherwise see fit to approach.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>8037can't you like just shoot me instead?
I want a public execution death by firing squad
there are two Jews now
what if they start breeding
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
her smile and optimism gone
Her entire WoW guild disbanded her because she's a drama queen and they started their own guild and she isn't allowed in it
Literally every guild officer cybered with her and they're all simps
>>7923 they don't call it "cyber" anymore you have to call it "erotic roleplaying" or they get butthurt
I am starving.
not her
Cracky if she were an elf
She's already a Jew, a Spaniard and a Brit.How many ethnicities do you think she can cumulate?
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which of those 7 pixels is supposed to be her?
nope not her
>>7830It isn't her, OP May I suggest the C r a c k y lookalike thread
is it Poppy?
What camera is she holding here?Are there any pics with this camera's original exif info attached?Asking for a friend who likes this girl a lot.
are you your friend
Get your shit together Jeff
This reflects poorly on all of us
You're making the Crackyverse look incompetent
Please kindly do the needful
26 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
what did they mean by this?(pic related)
Attention: seeking non-corrupt version of this image. The one on Dear Olivia is (and always has been) corrupt.
not quite the same
Hello, does anyone have 3D scans of Cracky? Please share.
>>7684How about no?
>>7723print now
ERROR: out of yellow ink
Once upon a time a little girl who wanted to be a Goddess lived in Oxford.
The first time she saw Lain, her brother said to her, “you’re just like Lain!”, because she also was a silent girl who liked to stay in her room with her computer.
She liked being called Lain. And she tried to look like her as much as possible. She wanted to be Lain. She had similar pyjamas, with mittens that looked like bear paws, but they became too small by the time she had reached 13. She even cut her hair like Lain, and before she got tired of it she also had the long lock of hair on one side with the elastic band.
Layer 01: Lain
Lain is a strange anime series, which never fully explains things but gives you clues on what is going on, so that events may often have several different interpretations.
In the world of Lain, “the wired” is the Internet but in a different way. It overlaps with the real world, and is some sort of Metaverse in that people inside it use avatars, not unlike what we can now find in OpenSim or Second Life.
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>7454 no se spiderben ❤️
>>7541you will eat the bugs
Which of these people looks most like HER?
Columns = A - HRows = 1 - 7
So for example H3 = blue-hair fatty on far right of 3rd row
>>7472 no se masturben ❤️
>>7475time since masturben;2021-04-26 18:25 or as i like to call it, 2021-04-26 18:25-03
3 day nofap or is it 4 i forget
Who got it? I was going to snipe it but Dynadot went down for (((scheduled maintenance))) for almost an hour and came back up right after the auction ended. And they didn't extend it. And support is being useless.
10 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
yes, WHO got the domain
I got my $5 deposit back, which is only small consolation for the fact that I got FUCKED in the ASS
Cracky's a hobo!! Cracky is a hobo!!!
>>7251 globohobo?
Do you get it now? It wasn't a QUESTION it was a WARNING.
World Health Organization owns the sky.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Maybe Olivia is a member of the board, wouldn't that be neat
>>7168 she makes my member stiff as a board
>>7169no se masturben ❤️
Fap to this.
28 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
If you found out Olivia at some point in her life ever masturbated and/or had sex, would you be prepared to BONK her?
>>5652If it is absolutely necessary that "I" insert myself into her personal sex-life, then that would be very self centered to bo"i"nk her, but if I have to, fuck it, I'll do it.
In revelations it's prophesized that the messiah can perform magics and miracles. Trying to debate them would be futile. How do you debate somebody who just wins all the time? The rich get richer.