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>>962I wish becca would just stop associating with sandniggers
not her x2
posting in a dead board
we don't post often
but we are lurking
When the stars are in alignment... the new age of The Sky Queen will be ushered in. Until then, we wait, and guard the sacred records.
Things tend to end up here pretty quickly, for a dead board.
Just because it was down for a short while, doesn't mean people didn't find it again on a completely different URL.
not her
>>992 her
new rare
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looks a lot like her. how is it clearly not her?
Piss off.
fuck that fat ass tranny!!! it is deffinatly not Cracky!!! cracky makes me warm inside but this transgender mofo makes my junk crawl up inside me and want to die!!!!
Not her
Does anyone have the original?
Are we certain that the clock pic is actually her? The tarot deck has some not-hers mixed in. Pikachu backpack for example was determined not to be her.
What sorts of tattoos do crackyfags have?
Do you have one? If you do post a pic so we can see how cool it is.
Do you think Cracky has any tattoos? Her brother sure does.
Do you have any cool cracky-themed tattoo ideas?
Picture unrelated; I don't have any tattoos.
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If you get a tattoo you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
>implying I'll ever die
For me, it'a Livvie face tat.
>>5978 pic?
Hey Cracky-haters
Why are you here?
if you hate Cracky why not go to a Boxxy board or something
or just kill yourself
Hey folks what's up
Don't do crimes
We're watching
1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>5900love u terry lol
is loving Cracky legal yet
Thoughts on this?
>>5972very nice
Tell me about Streetlights-chan.
22 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Thank you for the extremely bizarre conversation.
legit I miss her a lot
we all do
well except for one person
everybody else does
>>5938HMMMM... could it be, SATAN
"Oh my God, They just killed C r a c k y!"
You bastard!
We got to ride tonight, my little homie Cracky died tonight(Cracky's dead)
>>5931 le epic dead 90's meme has arrived
10 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>2095 not her
Imagine being the maid who had to clean up after all her "art"
Imagine being the DUDE who ate all the food so that skinny Cracky could continuing being skinny.
To "suomynonA",
Where did you go? Are you okay?
It's always sad to lose someone and it's worse when they just vanish with no explanation.
I hope you're well. May you walk in the light and glory of the Upward Regent, and wherever life (or death) takes you, I hope you will find peace.
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I'm alright, I just hate discord and I tried deleting my account several times but eventually came back, the cracky discord was the only thing that kept me there and I felt like I had to let go of it so I could regain some of my mental health.
Nobody ever stops loving Cracky. Wherever you go she will always be watching over you. We'll keep the light on for you. Until we meet again, peace and catharsis to you.
>>5807I meant i had to let go of the discord server itself
We all serve Cracky in our own way. Follow wherever she leads you.
Posts per month for this board from June 2008 through January 2021
32 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>5664 but I have to keep seeding to get my ratio up or the tracker is going to ban me
>>5664 nevar
bounceme refugees
The secret to dominating the crackyboard marketshare is to be the only surviving board
There has been no significant drama in the crackyverse for over 200 days. Will we make it to an entire year?
Something dramatic happened privately between me & another person. I don't really want to talk about it, but I thought I should mention it in case it meets the criteria for resetting the clock.
Just shut up and tell me where Cracky is. And don't ask any questions I hate questions.I only got a limited amount of time so hurry up.
Cracky is in the sky.
Olivia's location is unknown.
The only way to find out where she is is to defeat her brother in a bicycle race. I challenged him but I lost badly & had to suck his dick (READ THE CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING). This happened 3 times.
>>5539can i just suck his dick three times instead?
>>5540 you can if you really want to, but he won't tell you where his sister is
so don't do it unless you actually want to, with no expectation of reward
this is my hamburger
41 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>5522I dunno man it looks like prison food.
BREAKING NEWS: seemingly edible food discovered
>>5527the craacky pizza
don't make me hungry now
found this on her brothers insta
No you didn't.
All IG images have a IPTC "special instructions" field embedded which this does not.
All IG images use progressive DCT encoding while this uses baseline.
And also because it's literally not from there.
So he uses a ten year old smart phone? interesting...
2D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "cracky", discuss.Face it, your "cracky" is smelly dumb and has non existent boobs. 2d is way superior. Discuss.
Anime was created by Jews to destroy Japan. The goal of anime is to weaken and feminize Japanese men, leaving the country vulnerable to Jewish takeover. Now anime exports are resulting in white men around the world becoming weak and feminized too.
None of this is a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence.
Proof, check background
>>726It' not the Cracky.
>>5289I just want to take the flat of Cracky's face and put it on a fleshlight