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True beauty is transcendent.
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happy Black History Month
Happy Blacky month
Happy Double Nigger Fortnight
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happy birthday Cracky-chan!
>>4708 it's not her birthday anymore
>>4731 it will be again soon
On October 12, 2020, if Olivia is alive, she will be 31 years old.
Current British time (UTC+1):
Birthday reference spreadsheet:
Birthday music:
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>>6168yo listen up here's a story
>>6168me on left. i seem cool.
How much did he pay for that?
Hypothetical scenario: Cracky invites you to hang out at her house. As you walk in, she says she has to go to the bathroom to freshen up, and she tells you to relax and have a look around.
While she's in the bathroom, you look at her bookshelf and you see that it's filled with HARDCORE COMMIE PROPAGANDA, the absolutely filthiest shit you've ever seen.
What would you do? How would you feel? What would you reaction be? How would you handle this situation?
You may only have a moment to decide. She could emerge from the bathroom at any time. If don't act quickly, you may lose the element of surprise and be at a tactical disadvantage.
19 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>mfw that's literally Camel's bookshelf and nobody else recognized it
nobody gives a fuck about Camel's bookshelf
who has the Cracky apartment tour video?
23 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>10234this is what the refrance
everyone is always talking about how cute cracky used to be, but nobody ever expressed much interest at all in her family's enormous i the only one who fapped to fantasies of marrying cracky and inheriting part of the rothschild fortune?
40 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>15546biblically accurate angels
>>15547 angel of the bismo
One of my hobbies is picking up old laptops that people threw out in the street or the recycling center. I bring them back home, take out their hard drives, hook them up to my computer with a SATA to usb adaptor, and carefully examine everything their owners had laying on them (using utilities like testdisk to recover their deleted files also goes a long way).It's a deep dive into their private lives, the music they liked, the pictures they took, their friends and family and so on.Most of the time, I just find unremarkable work files, their torrented shows, music libraries, shitty porn collection etc... But sometimes I strike gold and find a very interesting person whom I can tell had a complex inner world that they smeared all over their Windows Vista session.Right now I'm looking at this (ex-)teenage girl's Barcelona senior trip photos from the early 2000's. It's really weird seeing those people looking so happy and innocent, having the time of their lives in their relaxed jeans with their usb form-factor mp3 players, knowing they're in their thirties now. They've probably settled down into a normal life, found a daily routine, but the exuberance died down, the magic is gone.Which makes me think about how horrible it is that innocence and happiness (so fucking cute and sweet) can disappear forever like that and will never return.Everything beautiful in the world should be preserved intact in a 15 years old and cute state forever.Post your thoughts and opinions (etc...) regarding this topic ITT.
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yes I too
>>5727More info?
>>5750 no
A new proposal:
"Cracky-chan is so fucking soft and sweet."(Credit goes to an anonymous worldoftext user for coining the "soft and sweet" phrase)
Please discuss and post any opinion or remarks you may have concerning this subject matter.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>9090noshut upfuck offget out of my thread
She moans softly. You can't help but feel happy for just a moment. Cracky-chan is so fucking cute and sweet.
>hug Cracky tightly
You embrace Cracky-chan and hold on to her. You don't want to let go. This is the most wonderful feeling ever.
>squeeze Cracky harder
You squeeze Olivia even more tightly. You feel like you're going to explode form happiness. You feel like this is the happiest day of your life.
>hug Cracky as hard as you can.
You hug Livvie as hard as you can, You're so happy you can barely breathe. You can't stop smiling. You feel like you're going to pass out from happiness.
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>>2203 >>2201
>>2203 hey you've been reading "that"
Who's playing Animal Cracking?
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Doppleganger deathmatch in 3...2...potato.
>Cracky's ******** when she sees this board
I wonder if she's showed her therapist this board
>>15498 ???
kid named catharsis
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>>15502 no his name is Gus
me when Kirtaner declares "The hopeful end of the Cracky-chan phenominon" (sic)
has Cracky watched Breaking Bad?has Cracky watched Better Call Saul?which did she like better?
Olivuh, put your cooch away Olivuh, I'm not havin catharsis with you right now.
crackyhouse makes me feel sick and dirty.71 is dumbthis is the only cracky board i like
how do i not be obsessed with cracky
13 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>9435That's a hell of a necro-bump, did ya' bring your Luigi-board, cause if not you're in for a bit of a wait.
Is there still a cracky community that isn't 24/7 shitposting
you'd be welcome on Superfluous Cracky Textboard
>>15504 yes, it's on Discord
Ensign get real.You're the one making 99% of posts on this board.Everyone knows this, you aren't fooling anyone.
cracky and someone
24 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
draw her wearing this
who is Simone????????????
what's the lore on "Ocean Prince"?
14 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Is this Cracky?
>>15346 no it's Holly
>>15347But is it Cracky?
Fan art
12 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>15324 why did it become funnier? what changed?
>>15326me stoopid omgyoursostupidihateyou
>>15327 please be nice, it literally costs 0 dollars to be nice
when you're mean to someone you're hurting yourself too
and you're hurting the world
and you're hurting Cracky
whenever someone is mean to me I imagine that it's Cracky being to me and then I feel a little better because Cracky talked to me