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What did they mean by this?
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sure why not, let's go
She's so fucking Cute and Sweet
>>8436its straight out of a lovecraftian novel. lain-chan saw something that drove her mad. their consciousness receded back to their sub conscious and vice versa.
What does Cracky think of Roxy(on right) and did she watch The Fox Kids Club
Can this be the Jew board now?
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this makes me think about her
is this what she's like today?
>>8838what is that picture of a bottle "want someday", wants kids someday? she's too old to have children now that's sad
>>8922 it's not impossible for her to have children, they'd just be more likely to be retarded or autistic
>>8923generations of inbreeding will do that
Do you ghink Crscky gives good head?
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I was drunk yesterday. Ima be drunk today as well. I love ass.
I said: I love ass.
You're wrong. This is arguably ghe best thrwad in the entireworld right joe.
this is what the reference;[pic related]
Sexual Experiments Lain
37 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I wonder if she's watched Lain lately or if it has too many negative connotations to her now
Give me my Cracky wife gf
25 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
according to another thread she's already married
201x married201x divorced2020 married
>>8663 proof?
Can someone just slap together an imageboard to replace the discord already?
40 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
she is less fat now, right?
The name has been interpreted as a translation from Hebrew into Greek of Nehushtan, the bronze serpent constructed by Moses to protect the Israelites from attacks by fiery flying serpents, and destroyed by King Hezekiah as idolatrous.
not her
Cracky is snek?!
Cracky is happily married by now and has two beautiful kids together with her caring and affluent husband. She is spending her creating energy on decorating their home and planning events for their wide circle of friends. They live in new england in a secluded house that was inherited from the family. She is sometimes stressed out by her kids, but all if this is rewarded with a few truely wonderful moments. Her writing career is currently on hold, but she god very positive feedback for a few short stories she published in the internet. She plans to take up writing again after the kids are off to school.
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>>8625SHE will even if I have to inject her with age hormones
>>8632 I appreciate you in a general sense but I hate you for doing that to CRACKY
All these people saying they want to marry a 15-year-old are fucked in the head.
>>8644 she's not actually 15 she's actually a billion-year-old cyber-angel
Time to make a thread for Cracky content created with AI mediation.
23 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
she's perfect
>>8178 thanks anon you're perfect too
omg Cracky please kiss me
>>8637 you're an idiot if you believe it's really her
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yay horny is gone
OP you're okay your image is only mildly degenerate I wasn't talking to you
Have you tried this Cracky golfing game?
>>7076 link?
>>8612 no, Zelda
please help me with the page
somebody help her
Facebook page admin where did you go?
anyone else feel like they were attracted to cracky-esque stuff since childhoodand by that i mean places, certain persons, music, movies and other media
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test message please ignore
>>2429 what were you testing?
Please post a list of all cracky-esque stuff
Cracky crack crack
13 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>7293pornography exists only in the eye of the beholder
they could know each other yeah..
>>8107 not her
wget confirms again that Cracky > Loli
there was never any doubt
you niggers, what have you done this time.
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what's up with all the usage of the so-called "N word" on here?
is it just one person being edgy?
>>4135some oldfag
I think we shouldn't say racial slurs. Cracky could be lurking and she might not approve.
What if she really loves racial slurs now?
Ophelia was fine too
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
excellent, a new off-topic thread for me to sage
She's friends with Kat so go post on her board; it's dead and lonely over there.
attention gangstalkers
next week's meeting is cancelled because of Christmas
see you all in January! Great work this year!
how the mighty have fallen
Q: How do you know if your dog is gay?
A: His dick tastes dog shit.
don't be transphobic
bitchdick is valid and arguably has superior mouthfeel
You can also combine the two jokes:
A: Pick him up and suck his dick.
Q: How do you get your dog to stop humping your leg?
she doesn't have a dick