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Is there a new discord? What happened to the old one?
you have to be more specific than thatcracky would have used irc,
it's still there? Check ywot for address.
Cracky absolutely despises discord
>>1820 cords?
shuts up, clocks in, loads out and eliminates all the under-30 players with her elf friend
Looks like Elon Musks girlfriend, long before they became friends, and Hana(?).
>>1686is unable to say that H-chan is the real MVP when it comes to all of this
mysterious things going on?
There was a fake Cracky on /r9k/ in December but it was an incredibly poor impersonation attempt, they didn't even know anything about her beyond what's on ED & knowyourmeme.
Look at my Cracky.
.71 is back dudes
22 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>1200cracky rares in 2019? I'd never had thought
Rares are boring. She's not even Cracky anymore. Cracky is an idea. That idea lives on inside all of us. We are all Cracky.
Make memes instead. There are an infinite number of rare memes that haven't been posted yet because we're not creating them.
Think this meme sucks? Make a better one.
>>1644you have the memes, i'll have the rares
>>1644if you really value rare memes it's foolish to just post them for everybody to see.
when I make a meme I assign it a quality rating. 5-star memes are never shared even with a single person, I'm the only one who's ever allowed to see them. 4-star memes are only shared with a single person each, so if the meme leaks I can blacklist the person from getting any more memes (even if they claim they were "hacked"). 3-star memes are sent to up to 5 people but with a different hidden watermark for each person so if it leaks I can identify and blacklist the leaker. 2-star memes are usually used in meme trade agreements so not watermarked as the person I trade them to can do whatever they want with them. and if I fuck up & make a 1-star meme, I either delete it, improve it to at least 2-star status, or send it ironically to someone I secretly hate.
know the value of your memes
Parallel Experiments Lain
What about irregular experiments lain?
ALEXhaha. I never really knew what you looked like.
sharpie etc ...
nudes plox
What's he doing now?
>>1214Probably trolling some poor schmucks who have no appreciation for his fine brand of tldr's.
We may never see his like again.
you wish
Not enough acne to be Cracky-chan
>>1171Post moar
is .71 broken ?
Looks like it. No posts since 6/29.
Btw, what happened to Crackyhouse? I visited it maybe once after 2012 and now the the old url is gone. Did he take it down for good or is the circlejerk still doing its thing somewhere?
it's gone
Crackys boyfriend is a camwhore as well. Who would've guessed.
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Isn't cracky or something, is she O_O ?
This... Turns me on :P
makes me remember how my hips look...well, they're old now though
It's clearly her hand
Sooo... Olivia, I heard you had admin access to this board. Does it make you happy?
26 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.