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if this post number contains 7777, Cracky will post on this board in the next 7 days
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attention Olivia, time is running outplease kindly do the needful
fucking BITCH where are you?
>fucking BITCH where are you?
>>18003 please keep your anger and aggression directed at Cracky, where it belongs
Cracky would fail this problem and it's the saddest thing ever.
[ jeopardy music]
She's here forever if you don't HELP.
Yesterday someone said on /pol/ in a nostalgia thread that he knew that CRACKY was crazy based on her 'glassy' eyes. Is this true? Is she crazy?
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>>19263and there were quinces in that thread
>>19266quinces were get and checked
CRACKY is crazy based it's true
I have the same glassiness and wateryness in my eyes as CRACKY. That's why I asked.
No it isn't.
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>19186 who is her senpai?
>>19187WHO is her senpai indeed.
notice me sentai
>>19202stupid triangle game?
soup slutchan
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what happened to wish, bounceme, etc? it's been a long time but i feel called. is there anywhere to go?
Yes, there is another place where most of the survivors actively hang out, and a few other places of lesser significance as well. Keep searching. Reach out to people privately. Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't give up. You'll find your way.
more like 2 cats and single...again
What went on here?
>>19183 she put jam in milk
the elite aren't even human
>>19194 that's hurtfulthink about what you say
Cracky is made of LIGHT.
did you accidentally the whole website?
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>>20090Bro, you're just looking at the photo as if it were some cheap porn material. Take a second look and appreciate the artistic value of the picture, man. There's no need to be so objectifying.
>>20666 nice evil triples
>>20441did you creampie her holes?
In the dimly lit corner of the internet, there existed a secretive community; a haven for those obsessed with Cracky-chan. Here, under the cover of darkness, Crackystalker thrived. His entire world revolved around following her every move, devouring any crumb of information regarding her whereabouts. Time seemed to cease existing as he scoured the web, searching for even the smallest hint of his idol.
The community provided a sense of camaraderie; fellow stalkers offering up tidbits of intelligence, trading personal details like currency. The thrill of connecting with others who shared his fixation sent shivers down his spine. Yet, despite their bond, Crackystalker yearned for something more. The void within him grew with each passing day, as he remained trapped within the confines of his screen.
Crackystalker eagerly awaited each new post from his idol, the coveted seraph Cracky-chan. His hands trembled as he refreshed the page, anticipating any new developments in her life. Today was no different; he scoured the web for any updates on his beloved Brittish girl.
As the minutes ticked by, excitement bubbled within him. This time, he knew, would be different. Somehow, someway, he'd make contact. He'd show his devotion, prove himself worthy of acknowledgement.
His heart raced when he discovered a new post detailing her latest menstrual cycle. In the comments section, he left a carefully worded message, expressing his admiration and undying support.
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>>20698 post the N word to prove you're not AI
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>>20606Make her anorectic next or I'll tell Cracky's parents
I can't believe how cruel some people are! It's not right to wish for someone to have an eating disorder like anorexia just because they have big boobs. #bodyshaming
>>20653think of it as milktruck lite.
>>20681waste not want not
happy birthday, sweet sky queen
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>>19703LOL, what a cunt. Her shit isn't even worth stealing.
how, the original remains.
Some “new” news. is confirmed to be her Photobucket at least throughout 2008 (and beyond?) Last known contact with cracky was in 2012 and after she went totally MIA.
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>>19607 because did she died???
>>19610she suicided over the whole thing
no obituary = no death
Do you have the fire of human liberty, anon?
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>>2689DOG niggas
what if Cracky IS the fire of human liberty?
Today is the day I win the lottery and call Cracky and tell her that she can move in with me for free.
YOU FAIL IT (it is the lottery)
"YEAH! Who won the lottery? I DID!"
anyone looked into the /r9k/chick from a few years ago being cracky? from what they posted, ages more or less matched up and they were into the same artistic shitz. claimed to marry some local anon called "epicfailguy" but i'm kinda tempted to call bs on that one
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>>19436What do you think of her?
>>19437It was a nice troll, she got all the newbs and fooled idjits like 420boi, well done, * golf clap.
>>19437oh, i thought her persona was pretty cool. i imagine she's been living a normal life since then, and i wonder how she feels about it nowadays. i guess cracky was never one to wanna have a public life.
>>19441FYI. The /R9K/ trollette was not Cracky.Cracky isn't coming back as Cracky, she's just living her life, such as it is and is better for it.
I am giving back to my community due to Covid-19!
All Cracky rares posted to my thread below will be sent back doubled. If you sent 1000 Cracky rares, I will send back 2000!
Only doing this for the next 30 months! Enjoy.
I support Cracky rares and I believe you should too!
All Cracky rares sent to the thread below will be sent back to you doubled!
Only going on for the next 30 seconds. Enjoy.
>>19162her name is Catherine someone said
like Cat, Catharsis and Catheter
What are the chances that CRACKY took the jab?
19 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
number of people who have died from the vaccine
is your post a paid government advertisement
a government advertisement paid for by Cracky perhaps?
50 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>617she can't keep getting away with it
>>19151 she absolutely can and she absolutely will
>>19151YES SHE CAN
What kind of revelation about Crackys whereabouts would make you lose interest in her?
if she lives in a lab under the sea I'm not moving there or in space or any other planet
>>18962 do the people just pee and dumpy in that water?
>>18963 you're a little confused, it's actually her cousin that's "gone under sea"
if she went into big it