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No.3098 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-09-11 15:53] [Report] 1599854026637.jpg (76257 B, 478x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
76257 B

I've finally figured it out. She is Roth's child.
That's the entire point.
That was their plan all along.

5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.18913 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-07 15:50] [Report] []


>>I can fix her
No.18938 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-08 13:59] [Report] []

These pictures are now all older than she was

No.18939 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-08 14:53] [Report] []

>>18938 that's what I like about Cracky, I keep getting older, she stays the same age

No.18944 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-08 18:09] [Report] []

i love her root beer colored hair

No.19128 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-16 08:57] [Report] 1676555846047.jpg (313598 B, 1241x879) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
313598 B


No.9132 : Anonymous Stalker [2021-09-25 15:51] [Report] 1632599514864.jpg (605100 B, 1200x2000) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
605100 B

Rares now

Or else

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No.18636 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-24 12:01] [Report] []

BBC only

No.18673 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-26 03:12] [Report] []

She prefers other animals

No.18674 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-26 07:35] [Report] []

Dog New World Order

No.18830 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-02-03 19:27] [Report] []

Post rare, Olivia

No.18563 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-20 23:52] [Report] 1674276735429.jpg (1135049 B, 2611x3513) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1135049 B

Is cracky alive? It feels like she died.

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No.18599 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-22 21:25] [Report] 1674440741581.png (352332 B, 650x780) [YIS] [GIS] []
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No.18601 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-23 00:30] [Report] []

'Cute and sweet' I get it now

No.18602 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-23 00:39] [Report] []

she's cute and smells sweet like cum

No.18606 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-23 02:53] [Report] []

This one gets it
This one gets it with the help of this one

No.18107 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-22 14:21] [Report] 1671736866470.jpg (510541 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
510541 B

Could you all please give more attention to CRACKY. The year will soon be over and I don't think she's getting the attention she deserves.

No.18419 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-14 10:09] [Report] []

The first thing I'm going to do is jerk off all over her tits

No.2342 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-06-30 04:00] [Report] 1593504006136.jpg (48928 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48928 B

cracky farted

4 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.18034 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-18 16:44] [Report] []

double-fuck dragon pussy

No.18086 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-21 12:30] [Report] []

girls don't fart retard

No.18087 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-21 15:25] [Report] []

girls don't they don't far-r-r-t (they don't fart)

No.18246 : Anonymous Stalker [2023-01-01 08:19] [Report] []

Someone who knows me
He hugged me with a stick and said softly that he was a cat. He said I want, I want to absorb him
He came home smoking weed and had a few drinks
I brushed my teeth and cleaned the bathroom.
She kissed him in bed. He started touching my anus deeply, making me feel like a princess and sensual.
Before he showered, two more boys knocked on the door.
I'm so deep, why don't you tell me?
My chastity is unwanted penetration
Like a desperate rabbit, his jaws and neck bite my face, bite my jaw, and violate me completely.
I tore it up
The second man had a large penis
I swept deep and hard for almost 10 minutes. My body was tickled. I feel pain all over

No.18106 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-22 11:27] [Report] 1671726462393.jpg (207247 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
207247 B

Yup folks, that's right. That's me on Cracky's terrace.
Care to rate it and also the view?

No.18224 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-30 06:56] [Report] 1672401394521.jpg (139360 B, 994x707) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.2388 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-07-04 10:20] [Report] 1593872449165.jpg (144071 B, 602x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
144071 B

Isn't it weird how Anonymous went for "Cracky-chan" instead of something simpler like "Crack-chan" or "Coke-chan"?

No.2389 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-07-04 11:04] [Report] []

she is cute that is why she is called cracky-chan

No.2409 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-07-07 13:56] [Report] 1594144567306.jpg (64063 B, 960x540) [YIS] [GIS] []
64063 B

it also rhymes with Jackie Chan

No.18084 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-21 06:12] [Report] 1671621161801.jpg (70418 B, 684x666) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.18007 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-17 14:44] [Report] 1671306262867.jpg (300581 B, 800x1257) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
300581 B

Things you didn't know about Her before you became a fan:
I'll go first.
CRACKY actually sleeps with a strap-on!

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No.18062 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-19 20:43] [Report] []

first four letters of the word "pronoun": PRON

rearrange it and what do you get? PORN

this is not a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence

No.18063 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-19 21:22] [Report] []

"pronoun" is an anagram of "porn? no u!"

No.18064 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-19 22:08] [Report] []

I didn't know she had an onlyfans

No.18067 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-20 02:32] [Report] []


Don't feel bad for the dog. It had to be put down. It was bleeding from the asshole. It no longer feels any pain. Cracky used the big blue see-through dildo on it. It was big, like a bbc. The one she uses now is a pink one and way smaller.

No.17392 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-21 06:25] [Report] 1669029901912.jpg (201528 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
201528 B


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No.17875 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 20:08] [Report] 1670807336375.jpg (55028 B, 580x432) [YIS] [GIS] []
55028 B
No.17876 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 20:26] [Report] []

>>17869 >>17875 when you post these ugly faces it makes me feel bad like maybe you're mocking me somehow

No.17878 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 20:54] [Report] []

well, it's your fault somehow

No.18046 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-19 14:01] [Report] 1671476487194.png (305166 B, 519x521) [YIS] [GIS] []
305166 B

forgot pic

No.2074 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-05-21 23:52] [Report] 1590119549976.jpg (247289 B, 1300x1065) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
247289 B

The Cracky phenomenon (not just Olivia) is quintessentially british. You can find bits and pieces of Cracky dispersed throughout the UK's countryside and back alleys, but not much else in other areas of the world. Discuss

6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.17997 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-16 20:56] [Report] []

>>17996 YOU'RE a man

No.17998 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-16 20:57] [Report] []

a big stinky man

No.17999 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-16 20:57] [Report] []

you're the dog now man

No.18043 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-19 04:47] [Report] 1671443274493.jpg (52358 B, 501x660) [YIS] [GIS] []
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You say this, but it's plain to anyone that you don't want any discussion that runs counter to your false narrative. When you say nowhere else in the world, clearly you're ignoring a few countries in the EU and her current home, believe what you will, you know we could grubhub troll her if we wanted to, but we don't.

No.1190 : Anonymous Stalker [2019-08-14 15:01] [Report] 1565809280511.jpg (222797 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
222797 B

The last corkyboard?

35 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.17821 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-08 19:07] [Report] []

WARNING: do NOT go to Google Translate, paste in "baal enci aga" and translate from Latin to English


No.17826 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-09 06:42] [Report] []

Narrator: Two skeletons commit a crime called Skelly and end up in prison.

Skelly: (voiceover) Unfortunately, we don't know what's going on. "I've never been in jail."

Narrator: "But Skelly didn't realize anything was wrong."

"Some of the prisoners were talking about freedom. They said they were in danger. They wanted to hurt us."

Skelly wants to help, but there is no cure or medicine to ease the fear.

Skelly: (Narrator) "I'm lonely. I'm afraid most people won't do anything for me. I'm lonely and hopeless.

Narrator: “But one day I found Skelly's Legos.

Comment too long. Click here for full text.

No.17959 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-14 20:12] [Report] []

>>17821 LOL they patched it

No.17964 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-15 02:55] [Report] 1671090924529.jpg (35675 B, 1748x646) [YIS] [GIS] []
35675 B

They spell Elvis weird.

No.17873 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 19:47] [Report] 1670806021166.jpg (48499 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48499 B

first post

hello everyone. i'm a girl, and i've been playing on the US servers since February (had an EU account before that, cancelled it and exchanged it so that i could play with my American friends). this brings me to my current dilemma:

i have a 54 NE Priest who i'm enjoying playing immensely and am very attached to, but i've also been craving some variety; that is, i want to roll Horde. unfortunately none of my friends are interested in rolling Horde and a lot of the fun of the game is lost on me unless i'm playing with good people (not to say i don't solo sometimes). so, i was wondering how to possibly go about picking a server, or finding some new people to play with as well. subsequently a little browsing of LJ revealed this community to me.

so, my question for you ladies... could you recommend to me a US (PvP) server with a decent female-oriented Horde side guild, or at the very least, one on which you yourself play Horde?

any help will be most appreciated ^_^

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No.17896 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-12 10:26] [Report] []


No.17897 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-12 12:11] [Report] 1670865070474.png (772959 B, 859x620) [YIS] [GIS] []
772959 B
No.17899 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-12 12:41] [Report] []

>>17897 why are you still posting images of ugly people????

No.17900 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-12 12:45] [Report] []


No.1726 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-01-07 09:28] [Report] 1578407328165.jpg (155218 B, 1048x409) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
155218 B

Olivia looks so small here, how tall was she exactly?

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No.17858 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 09:22] [Report] 1670768523700.jpg (28736 B, 200x200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.17859 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 09:52] [Report] []


>Villainess is evil because... she's horny.
No.17860 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 11:16] [Report] []

>>17859 you are a DAMN EVIL LIAR, she has NEVER been horny and she will NEVER be horny!!!!

No.17877 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-11 20:54] [Report] []

Bulwarks LAIN

No.1715 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-01-05 19:00] [Report] 1578268818627.png (1811751 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1811751 B

Cracky-chan 15th anniversary - January 6th 2020 (with VoiceOverPete)

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No.1836 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-02-09 10:56] [Report] []


15 Years? Nah. 3 years at most.

No.4014 : Anonymous Stalker [2020-10-15 15:40] [Report] []

the 16th anniversary is less than 3 months away

No.17825 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-09 01:01] [Report] 1670565678505.jpg (106468 B, 431x376) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.17850 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-10 15:31] [Report] []

she killed millions

No.805 : Anonymous [10/07/21(Wed)10:33] [Report] 1279722825258.jpg (57213 B, 415x477) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
57213 B

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No.17445 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-24 03:44] [Report] []

was it autism?

No.17446 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-24 11:16] [Report] []

isn't the word "kino" an alt-right neo-Nazi dogwhistle?

No.17456 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-11-25 12:50] [Report] []

>>17444 what if it's actually her brother's arm?

No.17816 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-08 13:37] [Report] []

the face of true evil

No.1687 : Anonymous Stalker [2019-12-31 20:23] [Report] 1577841836623.jpg (181106 B, 444x612) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
181106 B

I found out about Cracky and joined the "community" around 2013.
Post your remarks and observations relating to this here.

12 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.17798 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-07 20:36] [Report] []

I work for Cracky, I don't know who she works for, I always assumed she's self-employed.

No.17799 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-07 21:48] [Report] []

You work for (((them)))

No.17800 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-07 21:53] [Report] []


No.17803 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-08 03:49] [Report] []

I would lovd he job working for CRACKY.

No.17702 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-04 10:41] [Report] 1670168461811.jpg (271420 B, 1000x930) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
271420 B

I give you science

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No.17735 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-05 14:15] [Report] []

why do they call it the world cup?

No.17740 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-05 15:20] [Report] []

the world sees you pee

No.17741 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-05 15:59] [Report] []

one world one cup

No.17769 : Anonymous Stalker [2022-12-06 18:44] [Report] []

No phone for your daughter is impossible in this modern world unless you live in the Taliban

> Don't buy his phone

You'll suck the dick for an iPhone 69 and save money


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