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Does anyone have better versions of these pics?
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thank you please
I dare you to bust a nut to them.
It's a rite of passage.
>>5251>>5252OH MAN oh damn Cracky's big juicy but in my face gonna fart lick it up brap brap snifffff mm mm good finger licking
I wonder if AJHMLW ever posts here.
Maybe he started this thread.
I’ve commented here before and I can see why this comes off as trolling but it’s a genuine question. My bf goes to the wash room often for a little too long and the toilet never flushes which I assumed was just him wanting his jerk off time. However, I went through his phone recently and discovered a lot of pictures of Cracky-chan I’m a sexual context (that being Cracky with large breast and as a women). He likes anime so I knew he has a thing for changirls as so do I but, this makes me quite questionable on his intentions with these photos. Should I confront him about this? Is it probably a lighthearted joke? He talks about Cracky-chan often as he does like the girl and I often gift him items of the girl thinking it’s just a cute and sweet thing. What should I do? Asking for actual advice. Thank you.
kill pedos
>>5202 hey man it's cool she's 18 in like 3 of the pictures
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>>5099>>5111I could see this becoming viral like dabbing or taking a knee
>>5117you mean being a patron deity of the internet and catharsis posing with menstrual blood and crow wings? i wish it did....
>>5118 well, Kat did it if that counts for anything (it probably doesn't)
Do you think Cracky should brand here initials into the private area of select followers? ?
Who should be eligible? Does O.R.E.A.L sound too much like a food or cosmetic brand?
what is private area
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I'm putting together a team
this is a sage
so is this
If you can't find me cracky can you at least find me a cute chinkfu?
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imagine the amount of power an BLACK, LGBQT, Rothschild would have
X * 0 = 0
>Jew>Black>LGBTQ>Rothschild>Female>WoW Player
Truly unstoppable
more like unSTARTable
Fuuka is catharsis
Fuuku is sage
sage-only thread
if you reply to this thread, you MUST sage
we'll gradually bump all the other threads until this thread is at the bottom of the last page of the board
anyone bumping this thread will be killed IRL
also Cracky will be told that you were a homo. She will be told that you lived as a homo and died as a homo.
We're on the second page; I think we're safe now.
So what's up?
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emma watson is my spirit animal there are two emma watsons' inside you
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>>4557 that's mean and you should apologize
/loli-chan/ - 1424 posts/cracky/ - 4794 posts
4794/1424 = 3.37 (rounded)
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Need recent pics of Cracky's tits in order to do a proper comparison. Witch pics aren't really fair because she was babby at the time.
"you can fuck my sister"
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>>4445 remember the bin bag
Cracky has canonically been garbage since 2005
I wouldn't let him fuck me but I might let him kiss me.
Looking for a glowie who can larp as Cracky for me
A homework assignment for you:
Miriam had four children that survived to adulthood. In birth order: Mary (1945), Charles (1948), Charlotte (1948), and Johanna (1951).
You can see 3 of them (left to right: Charlotte, Charles, and Johanna) with Miriam in this photo.
Multiple sources refer to TWO of the children being adopted, but don't say which.
Other sources refer to only ONE of the children being adopted: Johanna.
Your mission is to find conclusive evidence that Charles WAS or WAS NOT adopted. If you find evidence that Charles was adopted, bonus points will be awarded for any information about Charles's birth parents or the circumstances surrounding the adoption.
Since it appears that at most 2 children were adopted, and Johanna appears to be one of them, proving that either Mary or Charlotte was adopted would be equivalent to proving that Charles was not adopted.
I get what you're going for but wouldn't it be easier to get a strand of Olivia or Alex's hair and send it to a lab to be checked for reptile DNA?
If it tests as 100% human, then it confirms that Charles was adopted.
This is a fake post by Russian Troll Farms! Their goal is to use false information to undermine the U.S. election and Americans sense of trust. They post video that is obscure and misleading. The posts have thousands of views upon initial loading because they hack the page and Russian bots create the fake views. Hundreds of comments in favor of one candidate (Trump) with fake likes are loaded in by one individual with the help of bots. There are few comments after an initial post.
>>4388I was dreaming this morning that i was back in school still, and my friends were coming over, but i couldn't see them because there were all these curtains in the way.After a while i realized i was staring at the heap of clothes on the other side of my room, which your post reminded me of, and no one was coming.
Is Cracky too old to become an onlyfans whore?
There's no age limit; the only requirement is zero self esteem so she definitely qualifies!
that's for poor people
It appears that Kathy went all the way to full porn now. Time for Cracky to advance, too?
Kathleen is significantly more mentally ill than Olivia ever was, though. Olivia on her worst day is saner than Kat on her best day. So Olivia would probably not do porn, unless she's degenerated drastically in the years since we last heard from her.
So is it all just pedophiles on this board, or are there young people posting here who like Cracky?Seems like all the young Crackyfags are everywhere else online.
please do not sexualize the skyqueen
How young is young?
A lot of the Discord crew is early 20's. Some lurk here just in case anything interesting ever happens (it doesn't) and sometimes shitpost.
heaven is getting necroskullfucked by livvie foreverpicture unrelated
What is a necroskull? Are these the skeletonized remains of a human head?
Cracky does not have a penis, so she would likely use an artificial phallic object?
I assume "fucking" in the context means that Cracky would insert beforementioned phallic object into an orifice of the skeletonized head and thrust it in and out in a repetitive sequence of movements?
So, now you are telling me that you equate the concept of "heaven" with a specific person thrusting oblong objects into openings of undecomposed remains of your carcass after you are dead?
I blame the girl.
>>1773sounds about right yeah
>>1773also don't forget that it should last forever
Crypt of the Necroskullfucker
Crackyfag alignment chart!
Disagree? Make your own.
REMINDER: only Cracky can be both cute and sweet.
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>3947You didn't make it on the chart, sorry!
we are the persons you do not know the identity ofthere are very many of uswe do not accept apologieswe remember things very wellplease look forward to us
>>2501 Faux is sweet, not neutral
I think we need to revisit the "only Cracky can be cute and sweet" rule
it's unduly restrictive
I have a confession, I masturbated to a photo of Camel once
sage so nobody sees this
recent surveilance photo
not her
sage for absence of cracky relevance!
Is it difigult to butt Benis in Carbys bagina?
it's been a year and nobody replied so I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes it's probably pretty difficult
When'a you'a put'a 'enpis in Da' Vagina