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this is not a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence
I've been seeing' a spike in The Skyqueen Cracky-chan references in mainstream medias recently
>>7117 people are waking up everywhere
Where were you when "[HISTORY] cracky-chan [SERIOUS BUSINESS]" was kill?
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>>7083okay but that's a bot and not a person
who is the skyqueen they are mentioning? Cracky is catharsis what is it mean?
how do i into computers?
I don't want to be harsh with the neophytes but I think some of you need to LURK MORE.
Even the domain registration agrees:
$ whois | grep 'Name Server' Name Server: NS1.LURKMORE.COM Name Server: NS2.LURKMORE.COMName Server: ns1.lurkmore.comName Server:
I'm not very happy with the way the Cracky "community" turned out.It looks like the atmosphere we had over on bounceme is completely gone now.Chansluts' post quality is trash in comparison, most of the posts are tongue in cheek ironic jokes like you see on popular imageboards nowadays, plus a majority of them are made by the same guy who’s taken it upon himself to keep the crackyverse alive.The worldoftext is pretty much dead.The discord chat is very active and has some nice stalking discussion, but it's NOTHING like the ambience we used to have on the older imageboards and all the chat services we used over the years.I guess it's true that everything discord touches turns to shit, you can't use a modern platform without accepting its modern culture.I understand where the people who insisted on creating an IRC were coming from, keeping things old-school has its uses. Pity that didn’t work out.
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If you have a grievance with someone why would you not discuss it with them privately before trying to air dirty laundry in public?
>>7103Care to elaborate?
>>6969 I see you Spit.mp3
This is Cracky
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i feel different today. negatively speaking.
>>6946 please explain further
>>7009THAT post was two days ago i forget
I failed you. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry.
If Cracky were a human, which racial affiliation would she identify with? Is she transracial? Does she accept transracials? Or is she a super-bigot who believes race is assigned at birth instead of being a social construct?
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is this Qanon?
are you an qute anon? qute and sweet?
I want to pinch her cheecks and hug her
But does the carpet match the drapes?
I heard a rumor that Olivia had plastic surgery to make her look Asian (she already looked kinda Asian) and moved to the United States. I heard that she's working at a massage parlor in Atlanta. Has anybody investigated this?
>>6867 I heard that rumor too. One of my crackyfrag friends is in Atlanta and on Tuesday he left to go check a few places promising to report back after. But I haven't heard from him since then. I wonder what happened. Did he find her?
I am seeking information about who owns the following domains:
cracky-chan DOT de (registered May 2007?)
crackychan DOT cc (registered September 2007)
crackychan DOT com (registered September 2007)
for your troubles, please find attached one uncommon crackyart
I encountered some issues with the spam filter while posting this thread hence the DOTs.
Please share any information you have regarding who owns these domains and how they can be contacted.
I am also seeking historical information regarding several domains that no longer exist: (referenced in this LJ screenshot)
Who owned these? What (if anything) were they used for?
Superstraight Cracky
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Mood curtains
Blue = horny
Purple = not horny
>not afraid of sexuality
Yeah sure, Ms. "wahhhhh I'm terrified stalkers are going to rape me" is not afraid of sexuality.
elite cracky
Which of the Crackygirls has already been blacked? If you don't know, take a guess.
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this oozes low iq for some reason
I thought the next panel he was going to clean his cock lol
This is said to be Cracky's father.
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I'm concerned that Cracky is going to come back and see all the "nigger nigger nigger" spam everywhere and she's just going to leave without saying anything and we'll never know she was here.
It's possible this has already happened.
I'll never forgive you assholes for chasing that adorable girl away AGAIN.
>I'm concerned that Cracky is going to come back and see all the "nigger nigger nigger" spam everywhere and she's just going to leave without saying anything and we'll never know she was here.
why do villains always do this. they always tell and expose their plan ahead of time.. err ..wait after? Did this already happen?
Did Cracky stop using imageboards before she turned 23?
For reference, she turned 23 on October 12, 2012.
Was her last day on 4chan October 11th 2012?
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>>6543 yes, but it's not the original. i'm sure you're fucking with dupe checking that way as well.some retard converted many of them to webp... or maybe they were originally webp. we'll never know because fuck heads do shit to the files and even files that seem identical have some modification leaving you wondering if you're deleting the one that's higher quality.
there seem to be 48 in total.
I dunno I just can't jerk off if the picture's sideways
do you think that cracky kins cassie from skins?
>>6507 le epic sus meme has le arrived
Boxxy is the queen of /B/, not this one.
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Man who lies down with dog gets fleas.
Man who lies down in front of car gets tired.
>>6517What does she get?
>>6518play stupid games win stupid prizes
She gets what she fucking deserves.
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Olympus + among = Amogus
>>6335 Please don't post St*n*t*ss comics. He is a bad racist man.
>>6334they're made out of meat
omg is that sum loli
>>897 is not the Loli. It's some random hipster that posts her looks on a super personal fashion blog.
not her
also not loli
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hmmm me wonders what she is drinking
Warm milk, spiked with rum.
>>743 Thats so gross!!! no ice!!!! no vanilla!!!! no sugar!!!! no cinnamon!!!!! BARF!!! PUKE!!!! AND DOUBLE BARF!!!! good thing its cracky or i would slit my wrists
not her!!
12 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>820 Because i like gross stuff of course.
for the umpteenth time this is not her.
>>821is this cracky?
not her!
it's on .71 it might as well be here
Not her. It's this girl.