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What happens if I only retain the coffee for 10 minutes?
this is a place of soap
i'll never forgive you SLAVES for chasing that college boy away. you are all horrible, disgusting people and i hope there's a god and he makes you suffer in THE DUNGEON.
i'll never again be able to fall asleep without thinking of his warm SIX HOT LOADS on my face. you have ruined my life completely, all i do all day now is think stuff up to post about him on Niconico to get people to talk with me about his ASS BECAUSE THAT'S ALL THAT'S LEFT
oh my shoulder.
are we already supposed to know who that is or is this a homework assignment?
>>9163the leather club is down that way ------------->
come on Obama go ahead
she bought him this hat in Switzerland
post rares or I will post the N word
the R will be hard
this is not a hoax, prank, or drill
you have 24 hours
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So the thing about working here is we treat all our customers like they're niggers even if they're not.
racism is le bad
Niggers gooks spics spooksNIGGER GOOKS SPICS SPOOKS
subtle crackyverse reference
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>>8960you are the virusCracky is the vaccine
Cracky owns my body
>>8960 it's not a link so how could it be clicked??
where would Olivia go on the compass?
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>>8943i'm always on lockdown
What would you do if your son was at homeCrying all alone on the bedroom floorCause he's hungryAnd the only way to feed him is to, sleep with a man for a little bit of moneyAnd his daddy's goneSomewhere smoking rock nowIn and out of lockdownI ain't got a job nowSo for you this is just a good timebut for me this is what I call life
Cracky is a welfarist
Is Croki into this Jew thing they call kabbala?
>Wait and Bleed
oh my god a refrance to the hit anime NEO SERIAL LAINVANGELION
I, Anonymous Stalker, take you, Cracky, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.
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Another picture of my wife, Cracky
I wrote my own vows for the wedding here they are:
She's cute and sweetPraise be her nameI peed and farted and shitted and came
>open stream>girl starts talking>cringe and mute
Would Olivia take the jab or resist?
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Is it true that these come from Cracky's pussy (aka vagina)? Is it true that she squats down like a chicken and just squeezes them out?
>>9483 Pretty sure whoever told you that wants you dead.
Nah it's true she squeezes them out into a bucket, it sounds like "plonk plonk plonk"
If you don't want one of Cracky's magic blue pussy eggs that's fine, more for the rest of us
post cute hobo's
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>>17054She's like 15 here you sicko!
>>17057 I'm 15 too, why are you interacting with a minor???
>>17058>>17058interacting with a minor on an anonymous image board???
Cracky will never own this airship
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this is her boat
I want to fuck that hobo
Are you surprised? It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who could draw. I'm a draw now too.
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0.5 fortnight
~0.019 years
I'm surprised.
Sup internet, I'm a 26 year old lady who's been developing a science-based, 100% Cracky MMO for the last 16 years. I'm finally making my beta-website now, and using my 3D work as a base to create my 50+ concept images. Wish me luck, Chansluts; You'll be the first to see the site when it's finished.
This isn't a real game. This is a shoop.
game update?
sounds like a lie
Olivia in bondage
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I need an eight-inch penis
>>9256AT some point Liv's mom will die(everyone dies at some point) and so Liv will need to know how to administer the coffee enemas so it would make sense if she helped her mother to administer the coffee enemas so she would have the knowledge and know how
>everyone dies at some point
loser mentality
peaceful forest nightbin bag with a girl insidefucking cute and sweet
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coffee in my buttput the coffee in my buttstop, it is too hot
you never loved herdespite you saying you didyou plot her murder
a lowly bin-bagfor a heavenly creatureyou will never snag
visons of her facekeep haunting your waking dreamsstalk her in disgrace
no rares to receivewhen Cracky has you in thralland you'll never leave
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SCENARIO: Cracky breaks into your home and says she needs to consume your "seed" (a.k.a. semen) to use as fuel to power her return trip to her home dimension. However, you know that if she takes your virginity you will be weak and powerless for the rest of your life. As a workaround, you offer to extract the seed yourself and then give it to her, but she says she has to do it herself in order to attain the power she needs.
You fear that if you refuse her, she may overpower you and take what she wants by force.
How would you handle this situation?
Several options:
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fantastical scenarios aside, what DOES she do with all the human semen she collects?
human semen
2019, 24 years have passed ...I hoped she would somehow get back even just via text but her followers are kinda all creepy stolkersI follow her just since 2016 and somehow miss herIf I can I will homage her talent and taste, she were really special and one of a kind
you are not good with numbers. how many times can you fit 19 into 24? one time? zero times?
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>>13944 no because girls have to sit down to pee, so most of the time she sits on the toilet it's to pee therefore no fart
>>13987 I heard her house has a joke toilet with a tiny hole that's JUST for farts
>>16913so fucking tight