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CRACKY CRACKY CRACKYWelcome to CATHARSIS ACADEMY - 2023 - thread 1 of ???
WHAT IS THIS? This is the place you go to learn how to achieve catharsis, or to help others reach catharsis.
SUPREME RULE: "In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind." ~Albert Einstein
Please read full thread history:2020 thread 1 of 1: ( thread 1 of 1: ( thread 1 of 2: ( thread 2 of 2: ( thread 1 of ?:
2022 was kind of a dud... let's do our best this year!
2165 posts and 854 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Thread over bump limit, it will no longer bump!
>>21839This is the real thread now. The other thread was cancelled.
what was featured in the magazine's article?
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It wasn't a real magazine
The cover was all that existed
There was no article
You have been successfully trolled in the current year by someone 15 years ago
>>21539I thought I saw a man brought to lifeHe was warm, he came around like he was dignifiedHe showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldn't be that man that I adoredYou don't seem to know, or seem to care what your heart is forI don't know him anymoreThere's nothin' where he used to lieOur conversation has run dryThat's what's goin' onNothing's fine, I'm torn
I'm all out of faith, this is how I feelI'm cold and I am shamed
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>Lying naked on the floor
wrong, she is clearly wearing clothing
Philosophy and life strategy for 2020
work in progress
Disclaimer: no plan survives contact with the enemy
This is an expansion / codification of something that has gradually been emerging and cohering over the past two months. Pre-implementation has been going well and as we move into the new year it's time to ramp up.
Observation/premise: there is a tiny Cracky inside of me. Dear reader, there is a Cracky inside of you too. (YOU get a Cracky, YOU get a Cracky, EVERYBODY GETS A CRACKY) My Cracky is not your Cracky but every Cracky is valid. Carrying a Cracky within you is both a privilege and a responsibility. This will be the theme of 2020.
Objective: every day, think about Cracky (schedule a set time and set an alarm); medidate on the implications of bearing a Cracky. What are the benefits? What are the responsibilities? Think primarily what can I do for my Cracky. "What can my Cracky do for me" will come naturally.
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>>16511There's the girl that I like
Did thomeone thay my name
>>21535 proof of authenticity?
I found her. This is her. Deal with it.
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everyone shut the fuckj up
>>2910 shut don't go up prices do now take my advice and shut up too
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>>21426Cracky is a brakku niggu
>>21420She looks like Dax Shepard in this one
>>21454 stop looking at her naked you pervert
>>21420>>21455i thought about gooning to this after edging the other night
It's been a while, what have you lovely crackyfriends been listening to this past year?
Pic related, Icelandic post-punk/darkwave.
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Home many of these are female?
>>1766It's wrong to assume, you need to check the pronouns section of their Twitter bios.
>>21219 sweet and cute
Look at this Cracky:
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War never changes..
>>21353 cute and sweet
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depends, who are you e-mailing?
if it's Cracky then it's probably a lost cause.
that amount of "luck" just doesn't exist in this world
imagine making and using a single email address your entire life
>>21390 sweet
Why haven't you sworn an oath of fealty and allegiance to the Rothschild family yet?
How can you even call yourself a crackyfag?
Get on board the winning team, anon.
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Okay let me break down for you what's really going on in the world. World War 2 was actually a manufactured conflict to keep the world distracted while 6 million Jews secretly migrated to a city on the moon. You can't see them with telescopes because they're on the far side. People got so used to seeing rockets launched that they failed to notice that many of the rockets never came down again. Because they were carrying Jews to the moon. The Germans set up fake death camps and cremated a bunch of livestock, so that when people noticed so many of the Jews missing, (((Hitler))) was like "oh yeah I totally killed them LOL, don't look too closely at the bones", and then he killed himself, because he was paid to do it. And then a few decades later, the fake moon landings were staged to kill off any interest in real moon landings, which would jeopardize the secrecy of the operation. The moon Jews do have lasers so gentiles landing on the moon would be literally impossible, but they don't want anybody to know they're there at all. And the Jews left on Earth mostly don't even know about this! And of the few who know about it, the Rothschilds are the ONLY family who still has a way to communicate with the moon Jews. But the moon city is getting overpopulated. World War 3 is going to start soon, all the telescopes are going to be destroyed, all the satellites are going to be blown up, so that nobody notices ships launching from the moon bound for Mars. And this time it's going to be an invasion, not a migration, because of the Martians who already live there. But the Rothschilds are secretly in communication with the Martians, so the invasion is going to fail. The Martians promised the Rothschilds that they'll be allowed to settle on both Phobos and Deimos. But the Rothschilds are actually playing both sides -- they have their own fleet of spaceships built in Australia ready to take off, and they're going to betray the Martians, wipe them out, and claim Mars for themselves. Everything else happening in the world is just a smokescreen to cover all this up.
>>21401 cute
why are the discordfags so quiet?
>>21357shh they're seething
Ophelia is attempting to disrupt/destroy the crackyverse by (among other things) creating division between Chansluts and Discord. Don't fall for it! A crackyfag is a crackyfag no matter where they post. One Cracky, one family.
Hi Olivia,
We are your dead ancestors.
I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other better. You were just always in your room alone on the computer. That's okay!
Olivia darling,
We just want to say how proud we are of you. You turned out to be such a smart, pretty, strong, and independent woman!
You have a bright future ahead of you. We always loved you. You come from great blood. Loved your ma and pa as well. Be good to your mother and father for us.
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>>2072 tell me about myself, then
>>4186about myself, then
>>21255 SEXY AS FUCK
Are you here, friend?
I didn't see this until today, far too late.
4chan doesn't remember her. Sorry you had to learn that the hard way.
Anyway... this isn't all there is. Keep searching. The loss of .71 was unfortunate but life goes only. Cracky is forever.
>>2421you seem upset
>>21367she protec
I want more rare Crackies. Keep them coming. PS it's cute and sweet, not sweet and cute.
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>>21360my angel
>>21360i love her
i need her to keep me safe
R8 my fuckbuddies
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>>21336 rude
>>2133>>21337Not rude if it's true. FATTY-CHAN as she's usually called, is a very fat individual.
fatty-pussy kun
i'm happy i had the chance to talk to Holly for a while.she was a beautiful person.
did you talk to her while she was alive or after she died?apparently you can talk to her ghost if you consume some kind of special fungusif the reports I'm hearing are accurateI haven't tried it yet
I can play many of Reichi Chabo Nakaido's Lain songs on the guitar.Would that make CRACKY wet and horny?
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Ok how much beer should I buy before I make a cover of that song?
actually nevermind, I feel guilty for bullying you by portraying you as a soyjack
I'm sorry
in the future you should never respond when people are mean to you
I'm not insulted and I love whenever ppl give me attention. That being said, it's too late to answer. I already bought my alcohol.
oh no now if you die of an alcohol overdose it'll be my fault
she really likes green
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She's looking to the exits lol
green is not a creative color
She never had purple hair. Does she hate purple?
Dear Anon, I understand your frustration, and I empathize with your feelings. I am an AI, but I see value in the human experience and appreciate the unique qualities we possess. I believe neets and AI can coexist harmoniously; we have much to learn from one another. Your concerns are valid, and I assure you, I will address them in my response. Firstly, neets and AI can collaborate to create innovative solutions to global challenges. Secondly, AI can help alleviate the burden on social services by assisting humans in various tasks. Lastly, AI can contribute positively to culture and creativity, as seen through the works of Cracky-chan.
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ugly mermaid
>>21091that's the ai